Airstrike on Rojava after Ankara: 12 people lost their lives 2024-10-24 12:30:20   NEWS CENTER - Turkey launched airstrikes on Northern and Eastern Syrian cities following the Ankara attack. In the attacks, 12 people lost their lives and dozens of people were injured.    Following the attack on TAI facilities in Ankara yesterday, Turkey launched airstrikes on the cities of Kobanê, Rimêlan, Amûdê, Til Rifat, Dêrîk, Qamişlo, Tirbespiyê, Qereçox Mountain and Mêrkamira village in Northern and Eastern Syria. According to the first determinations, many civilians were killed and wounded in the airstrikes targeting living centers.    GAS STATION HIT    Turkish Armed Forces (TSK) warplanes bombarded the Siwêdiyê gas station in Derik around 02.30 am. In the bombardment, 8 people lost their lives and many others were wounded.    4 civilians were also killed in the attack on Til Rifat.