412 names made a statement for support for the resistance in Iran

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  • 09:50 30 September 2022
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DIYARBAKIR - "Life and freedom are now braided with Jîna's hair!" said, 412 intellectuals, artists and writers and made a statement of support for the protests that started after Jîna Mahsa Aminî was murdered in Iran.
412 people, including artists, writers and intellectuals, made a statement of support for the protests that started after Jîna Mahsa Aminî was tortured and murdered in detention by the "morality police" in Iran. In the statement made in Kurdish, Turkish and English languages, the following was said: "We salute the revolt and resistance of the women who are proudly resisting!" 
In the statement made with the joint signature of 412 people, the following was stated: “Kurdish woman Jîna (Mahsa) Aminî in Eastern Kurdistan was beaten to death by morality police because she did not cover her head according to the regime. The uprising and demonstrations that developed under the leadership of women in Eastern Kurdistan and Iran turned into a revolt of women and peoples. Dozens of people have been killed by the regime forces since the uprising started."
The statement continued as follows: We proudly salute the revolt and resistance of  resisting women!
In Eastern Kurdistan, Kurdish woman Jîna (Mahsa) Amini Kurdish woman Jîna (Mahsa) Aminî in Eastern Kurdistan was beaten to death by morality police because she did not cover her head according to the regime. The uprising and demonstrations that developed under the leadership of women in Eastern Kurdistan and Iran turned into a revolt of women and peoples. Dozens of others have been massacred by regime forces since the uprising.
Life and freedom are now braided with Jîna's hair!
Freedom is a universal fundamental right, today women and communities in Eastern Kurdistan, Iran and around the world are waving the flag of freedom they have created out of a girl's hair with their resistance.
As artists, writers and intellectuals we know very well that with that resistance women will bring the end of the darkness with their struggle. We are proud of the honorable resistance of women and communities. Victory will belong to those who resist!
We’re with you!
Women Life Freedom!
The letter was signed as Democatic Artists, Writers and Intellectuals.
“Abdullah Ayav, Abdullah Hüner Şeker, Abdullah Tarhan, Abdurrahman Öncü, Adar Bozaner, Adnan Tataroğlu, Agit Işık, Ahmedê Xî, Ahmet Peltek, Ahmet Petek, Ahmet Uçar, Aida Teimourlouei, Amîne Pîrozxan, Ali Osman Abalı, Ali Kemal Çınar, Adil Okay,Ali Kuday, Alican Çakır,  Alihan Demir, Amin Khwalah, Aram Dildar,Aram Kizir, Ardin Diren, Arhat, Arif Adalı, Avni Sağlam, Aydın Elken, Ayla Yılmaz, Aylin Kızıl  ,Aynur Aras, Aynur Doğan, Aysel Ayav, Aysel Borak, Ayşe Ayben Altunç, Ayşe Nur Demir, Ayten çiftçi, Azad Baltacı, Azad Bedran, Azad Zal, Azat Aksu, Bahoz Özsunar, Bajar, Baran Bozyel, Baran Çelebi, Baran Ertaş, Baran Sarı, Baran Sümbül, Baran Şeker, Baran Tangut, Barış Işık, Berfin Emektar, Beritan Çetin, Berivan Budakbeyoğlu, Berrin Shemdin, Bedirhan Harman, Berivan Şen, Betül Adıgüzel, Burhan Kırılmaz, Bilal Başaran, Bilal Korkut, Bilge Işık, Bingöl Elmas, Buket Şimşek, Burhan Çelik, Bülent Tekin, Canan Kaplan, Cansu Yıldıran, Cejna Saruhan, Ceylan Akbaşlı, Çınar Yurtsever,Celal Ekin, Cemal Özkan, Cemil Güngören, Cemîl Qoçgîrî, Cengiz Yazgı, Ceren Atmaz, Cevdet Bağca,Cihan Barış Erdoğan, Cihan Gürler, Cihat Ekinci, Çiçek Çelik, Danyal Teker, Dengbêj Xalide, Dengbêj Xalis, Deniz Esmer, Deniz Özer, Deniz Terece, Derya Cengiz, Devran Döken, Dîlan Güvenç, Duygu İlhan, Devrim Demir, Devrim Özlük, Dilan Akın , Dilan Yesilyaprak, Dîlber Hêma, Diljen Roni, Diren Keser, Eda Tapancı, Edip Berk, Efrîn Nowar, Egit Fırat, Ehmed Jiyara, Elif Ergezen, Elvan Koçer, Emel Çiftçi , Emerê Entaxî, Emin Aksu, Emin Eminoğlu, Emin Sarıgül, Eylül Sayak, Emre Yılmaz, Engin Cengiz, Enise Çağer Ekinci, Ercan Altuntaş, Ercan Aydın, Ercan Bingöl, Erdal Bayrakoğlu, Erdal Dalgıç, Erdal Kaya, Erdal Sîpan, Erdal Tüt, Erdinç Duman, Erdoğan Emir, Erhan Mir, Erkan Kurt, Esra Öztürk ,Evin Sindi, Evin Tiryaki, Evindar Dülek, Eylem Aktaş, Ezel Akay, Fadime Pulat, Fatma Bor, Fatma Çelik, Fatma Tunç, Ferat Kevir, Feratê Dengizî, Fergîn Melik Aykoç, Ferhat Aslan, Ferhat Ertaş, Ferit Bingöl, Ferit Elalmış, Ferit Şeker, Fevzi Çetin, Fırat Can, Figen Ekti, Fuat Ege, Gamze Mimaroğlu, Gencay Morkoç, Genim, Gula Almastê, Gulan Mizgin, Gulbin Bozan, Gulgeş Deryasipî, Gül Ertunan Karaaslan, Gülbahar Herdem, Gülhan Yağ, Güliz Sağlam, Habib Çelik, Hadi Esin, Hasan Sancar, Hasan Yavuz, Haydar Güvercin , Hebun Polat, Hecî Şerîfê Farqînê, Hediye Kalkan, Helim Barin, Helin Keskin, Hêlin Kılıçarslan,, Hesen Huseyin Deniz, Heval Dilbihar, Hevidar, Hasan Ali, Haluk Tolga İlhan, Hüseyin Ayrılmaz, Yeliz, Hivron, Hüsamettin Bahçe, Hüseyin Akdoğan, İbrahim Kurt, İhsan Arat, İhsan Gümüşten, İkbal Kaynar, İlham Bakır, İnan Söker, Îrfan Babanla, İrfan Yıldız, İrsad Aydın, İsmail Altoğ, İsmail Dağ, İbrahim Yıldırım, İsmail Doğan, İsmail Şara, İsmail Tekinİ, Îsmaîlê Slimî, Jan Axin, Jana Med, Kadir Çat, Kadir Demir, Kadir Güneş, Kamuran Simo Hedilî, Kasım Taşdoğan, Kawa Urmiye ,Kayhan Akan, Kazo, Lisa Çalan, Leyla Güç,Kemal Ulusoy, Kemal Yıldırım, Kevnar İnal, Kibar Suvari, Koray Kesik, Korkut Akın, Kudbettin Cebe, Kudret Uçuk, Leyla Bozkurt, Lütfi İrdem,, Mazlum Anaç, Mazlum Tekin, Medeni Ferho, Mehmet Atlı, Mehmet Aykut, Mehmet Emin İsi, Mehmet Kaynak ,Mehmet Kubilay, Mehmet Murad Korkmaz, Melek Özman, Melisa Yılmaz, Meral Şimşek, Mervan Tan, Merve Doğan, Meryem Yavuz, Mesud Gever, Mesut Gümüş, Metin Ewr, Mewlude Çelebi, Mızgin Turan, Mihemedê Bîrikî, Mihemedê Hîzanê, Mihemedê Kortepê, Mihemedê Zaza, Mikail Aslan, Mine Şirin, Mirad Bilgîç, Mirhem Yiğit, Mistefayê Botî, Mizgin Irmak, MuazzezUslu Avcı, Murat Şimşek, Murat Yazar, Mustafa Haktanır, Ömer Fidan, Mustafa Ziya Ülkenciler, Muzaffer Gezer, Naîfê Munîsê,  Nalin Acar, Nazım Hikmet Çalışkan, Nazmi Karaman, Necmi Yaman, Nejla Demirci, Nergiz Çelebi, Nesibe Guneyli, Neşet Güçmen, Nudem Tekin, Nuray Balık, Nurcan değirmenci, Nurcan Delil, Nurdan İpek, Nurettin Güleç, Nurhak Kılagöz, Nurhan Gülmez, Nurşen Adıgüzel, Nurşin Kaya, Okan Erbaş, Osman Genç , Ömer Baran, Ömer Leventoğlu, Ömer Şahin, Önder Enver Işık, Özcan Ateş, Özkan Küçük, Özlem Bağlayan, Özlem Gerçek, Perinaz Delazy, Perinaz Yıldırım, Perîxana Şirnexî, Pınar Aydınlar, Ramazan İlten, Ramazan Tunç, Rênas Berbir, Rênçber Agirî, Ronî War, Ruken Bekalp, Rewşan Apaydın, Rezan Atabesey, Rêzan Şirwan, Rezanê Batû, Rojbîn Elban, Rojhilat Aksoy, Ronahî Çelik, Roni Artin, Ronida Durmuş, Roza Metîna,Rozerin Baltaş, Rugeş Kırıcı, Ruhan Aslan, Ruken Ekinci, Ruken Yılmaz, Ruşa Sabur, Rüya Şah, Sabah Kutay, Sabri Vural, Sadiqê Pasûrî, Sakine Aktaş, Salih Yıldızöz, Saliha Ayata, Saniye Yılmaz, Sara Ertaş, Sarya Ertaş, Savaş Işık, Sedat Barış, Seher Aslan, Seher Stran, Selhedînê Mûşê, Selma Özel Asi, Sema Uçar, Semiha Yıldız , Sena Özbey, Serap Ergin, Serdar Bayram, Serdar Keskin, Serhad Raşa, Serhat Şen, Sevinç Altan, Suavi, Serhat Yunusoğlu, Serpil Efe ,Sevda Adırbelli, Sevim Eren, Seyitxan Sevinç, Seyhan Yıldırımlı, Sercan Büber, Sezai Dengiz, Sezer Aslan, Sıla Urtekin    ,Sibel Tekin, Sidar Açıkyürek, Sidar Aslan, Sidiqê Farqînî, Sinan Gökçe, Sipan Dağdeviren, Songül Bulur, Sosin Çelebi, Sultan Bayık, Sultan Yaray, Suphi Orhan, Şahbettin Dağ, Şahperi Alphan, Şerif Şahiner, Şermin Aydın, Şêrko Kanîwar, Şêrzat, Şeyma Özberk, Şilan Alagöz, Şilan Dora, Şirin Ertaş, Şirin Kaya, Şoreş Tunç, Talat Yeşil, Tuncer Gümüş , Turan Şengül, Umut Botan, Ülker Sarı, Ümit uçar, Üryan, Vedat Oyan, Vesile Sakın, Vesile Yüksel, Veysel Kılıç, Welat Bayhan, Welat Sûr, Welat Tayfur, Weysi Ermiş, Xebat Şakir, Xebat Yiğit, Xecê, Xecê Şen, Xiyasedîn, Xiyasedîn Stêrk, Xoşyar Pêşeng, Yakup Akdemir, Yakup Selimoğlu, Yalçın Dönmez, Yasin Balıkçı, Yasin Güngör, Yaşar Gündem, Yavuz Akkuzu, Yekta Zankırtlı, Yeliz Güzel, Yılmaz Kalkan, Yılmaz Karaarslan, Yunus Çelik, Yusuf Keleş, Yusuf Kıpçak,Yusuf Rencüzoğulları, Yusuf Yılmaz, Zelal Suyu, Zeycan Ateş, Zeynep Turkut, Zilan Kaya, Zilan Oktay, Zilan Özel Taptı, Zinar Karabaş, Zozan Gulan.”

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