Salih Müslim: The conspiracy has been going on for 24 years because it did not achieve its goal

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  • 13:38 5 October 2022
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URFA - Stating that the international conspiracy against PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan, continues in İmralı today, because it did not achieve its goal, PYD Co-Chair Salih Müslim said: “Leader Apo is not surrendering. The isolation is being deepened because he has never made any concessions."
The international conspiracy launched in 1998 against PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan, who is being held under heavy isolation conditions in İmralı Type F High Security Closed Prison, is now in its 24th year. Öcalan, whom the representatives of capitalist modernity saw as a danger to them, was forced to leave Syria on October 9, 1998 with a conspiracy in which more than 40 states and intelligence organisations led by the USA and Israel were involved. Many important developments and changes took place in the Middle East during the 24-year period. The change started in Syria, where the first seeds of the conspiracy were planted. The peoples inspired by Öcalan's ideas organised through the Third Path option and declared autonomy in Northern and Eastern Syria with the outbreak of the civil war in Syria in 2011. Öcalan, who was planned to be 'destroyed', frustrated the first step of the conspiracy. Öcalan, who has been held under heavy isolation conditions in the  İmralı Type F High Security Prison especially designed for him for 24 years, was able to hold only 5 meetings with his lawyers in 2019, since 2011. There has been no news from Öcalan since March 25, 2020.
The revolution that took place in the lands where the conspiracy began made the conspiracy meaningless. Co-Chair of the Democratic Union Party (PYD), one of the parties of the revolution, Salih Müslim speaked about Öcalan's influence in Syria, the conspiracy process and what happened since then.
Expressing that before evaluating the conspiracy, it is necessary to know the process leading up to the conspiracy, Müslim said: "Öcalan started the struggle alone in 1973, and over time, he continued the struggle with many of his friends. This struggle turned into a party in 1978, and that the party started an armed struggle for the rights of the Kurdish people in 1984. He made the Kurdish people known by the world, a people that wanted to be destroyed completely. Mr. Öcalan sowed a seed and a people revived themselves with that seed. These developments not only affected the Middle East, but the whole world. All international powers followed the struggle closely. They watched the change from the beginning to the end. The Middle East is an important center for the world and the heart of this center is Kurdistan. Many people have plans for this geography. Mr. Öcalan went to Lebanon in 1979 and trained thousands of people in the Beka camp. The people he trained started an armed struggle and that became the beginning of developments that affected the whole Middle East.”
Stating that the hegemonic powers that want to design the Middle East consider the growing Kurdish freedom movement as a threat to them, Müslim said: “Some actors in these lands have been making plans in line with their own benefits. After the 1990s, there was a period of chaos in the entire Middle East. Some states have made some plans to realize the Greater Middle East Initiative. Those who consider the Kurdish freedom movement as a threat to themselves wanted to liquidate it. That's why they put this conspiracy in action. After removing Mr. Öcalan from Syria, they handed him over to Turkey on February 15, 1999. This was done in line with the plans of the hegemonic powers, and it was spearheaded by NATO's Gladio. A system was created in İmralı. In this system, Turkey acts only as a prison guard. Everything that has happened in Imrali so far has been done with the approval of NATO and other hegemonic powers. We need to know this fact."
Stating that Turkey was used as a “tool” in the plans of the hegemonic powers towards the Middle East, Müslim said: “The task of realizing this project was given to Turkey. Turkey turned this into an opportunity for itself. Turkey is not only the Turkish state, it has a deep state within itself. There are deep forces that determine Turkish politics. Those who wanted to design the Middle East used the supporters of moderate Islam as their advocates. While the hegemonic powers were making their own plans in the Middle East, Turkey made its own plans. It has plans for the National Pact. Turkey is seeking to become a hegemonic power in the region by increasing its own sovereignty. Plans for Syria were made through Turkey. Turkey threatened Syria, deployed troops on the border. They tried to show that it was a problem between Turkey and the Syrian state, but the problem was deeper.”
Reminding that the Adana Agreement was signed between Turkey and Syrian intelligence 11 days after PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan was forced out of Syria, Müslim said: “The meaning of the Adana Agreement was the surrender of the Syrian state. Turkey imposed its demands on the Syrian state and said that "You have listened to us and forced Öcalan out of Syria. Now we want more." Under those circumstances, the Syrian state had to sign the agreement. Today, Turkey still uses the Adana Agreement and wants to expand it further."
Underlining that PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan seeks to create a more livable world system for all the peoples of the world, Müslim said:"The PKK Leader highlighted this in his book and defenses he wrote in İmralı. PKK Leader Öcalan's ideas and thoughts are a recipe against the chaos in the world. Mr. Öcalan's ideas and thoughts is a completion of dozens of philosophers, thinkers, intellectuals to which he added his own thoughts. If taught, Öcalan's ideas will not fade away. Jesus had 12 apostles. After Jesus died, his ideas spread throughout the world through them. It was the same with other prophets. As long as a person's ideas live, they live. Mr. Öcalan trained thousands of students in the Beka camp. Every student of Mr. Öcalan is a hero and a hope for humanity.”
Stating that women who are ignored in the Middle East are governing themselves in the light of Mr. Öcalan's ideas and thoughts, Müslim said: "The revolution that took place in Northern and Eastern Syria was a women's revolution. The struggle of Kurdish women is an inspiration to women of the world. Women, who have equipped themselves with the ideas of Leader Öcalan, are now demanding not only their own freedom, but the freedom of all women of the world. Women protect society as they protect themselves. Kurdish women have become a symbol for the whole world. The slogans of 'Jin, Jiyan Azadi' (Women, Life, Freedoom) are being shouted all over the world. This slogan came to life by the ideas and thoughts of the intellectual Leader Apo. Capitalist modernity has turned everyone into robots. While people are turned into robots in Europe, people are starving in Africa, on the other side of the world. Everyone is looking for a way out. Nobody wants to be a robot. People have feelings and thoughts. People in Africa do not want to starve, they are looking for a way out. Many people see the solution in Mr. Öcalan's ideas and thoughts. Mr. Öcalan's ideas are important for all humanity. As the Kurdish people, our job is to spread these ideas and thoughts and to display them in practice. It is our responsibility to create a model that will set an example for the world. It is our job to lighten the burden that Mr. Öcalan has shouldered.”
The reason of Turkey's attacks on Northern and Eastern Syria is that the idea of PKK Leader Öcalan in the region is coming to life, Müslim said: “Those who plotted and continued the conspiracy are those who remain silent against Turkey's attacks against Northern and Eastern Syria. International powers prefer to remain silent against attacks to protect their own interests. Mr. Öcalan has defined the conspiracy as the beginning of the 3rd World War. This war is still going on. No one thought that the Kurds would became this strong in the Middle East and create their own power. The international forces thought that after capturing Mr. Öcalan, the Kurdish people would be intimidated and take them under their control. While the international powers do not want the Kurds to be free, Turkey thinks that the best Kurd is a dead Kurd. The Kurds' establishment of their own power turned all their calculations upside down. For this, they attack Northern and Eastern Syria. Children and women are killed, villages are devastated every day. Turkey says to the international community that 'I am killing terrorists', but the powers in the region see that this is not like that."
Stating that the conspiracy has not reached its goal and speaking about isolation in Imrali, Müslim said: “Mr. Öcalan is behind bars and in a complete incommunicado situation. Prisoners' rights all over the world are not implemented for Mr. Öcalan. The purpose of the CPT is to prevent torture, but they ignore it, they remain silent. When it comes to Mr. Öcalan and the Kurds, they do not fulfill their duties. A woman on behalf of the CPT welcomed Mr. Öcalan in his first prison. They were representing the hegemonic powers of nations. Turkey is not the only guilty party of this conspiracy. International forces are responsible for the daily torture in Imrali. Every day they torture Mr. Öcalan to make him compromise the values he stands for, but Mr. Öcalan is displaying a resistance against the isolation. Leader Apo is not surrendering. The isolation is deepened because he has never made any concessions. Mr. Öcalan stood up for the Kurdish people, everyone should stand up for Mr. Öcalan. If there is no news for 18 months, we too have a responsibility. It means we couldn't do what we had to do. If we had fulfilled our duty, the situation of our leadership would have been different. Mr. Öcalan fulfilled his duty and paved the way for us. Öcalan taught all the Kurdish people how to resist. Today, we should all defend him as Mr. Öcalan defended us.”
MA / Emrullah Acar

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