The identities of HPG members who lost their lives in the chemical attacks disclosed

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  • 12:15 18 October 2022
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NEWS CENTER - Identity information of 17 HPG and YJA-Star members who lost their lives in Turkey's chemical weapons attack has been disclosed.
The attacks launched on April 17 against Zap, Metîna and Avaşîn regions of the Federated Kurdistan Region with the partnership of Turkey's Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) have left their 6th month behind. Fırat News Agency (ANF) has published the People's Defense Center (HSM) statement on the chemical weapons attacks that took place in the 6-month period. In the statement, it was noted that between April 14 and October 14, Turkey used banned bombs and chemical weapons 2,467 times. It was stated in the statement that tactical nuclear, thermobaric and phosphorus bombs were used, and as a result of the use of chemical weapons in August, September and October, 9 HPG fighters lost their lives in Zap's Şikefta Birîndara area, 5 HPG members in the Karker area and 3 HPG members in Avaşîn's Werxelê area.
The identity details of HPG and YJA-Star members who lost their lives are as follows:"Muhammed Dodkanîmîlan (Rûbar Karker), Alican Derici (Ciger Malazgirt), Kevser Ete (Helbest Koçerîn), Mehmet Can Evren (Baz Mordem), Yekta Büşra Boz (Mava Roj), Ferhat Güneş (Sedat Demhat), Peyam Abdullah (Delal Şoreş), Bahadîn Ahmet (Demhat Têkoşîn), Ali Darga (Demhat Cizîr), Gurbet Oran (Zinarîn Cûdî), Amed Alî (Rêber Kobanê), Newroz Tahir (Ruksen Zagros), Yahya Şen (Xemgîn Cizîr), Mehdi Babat (Rêber Roboskî), Osman Abdî (Serdem Agirî), Abrurrahim Uzun (Mazlum Nisêbîn), Muhammed Xelîl (Erdal Besta)"
In the statement reminding that 27 HPG members lost their lives in chemical weapons attacks, a call was made to international organisations and democratic circles to "Stop violating international law and laws of war that trample the values of humanity."

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