TJA announced its March 8 declaration: The solidarity of Women Keeps Alive

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  • 17:05 25 February 2023
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DİYARBAKIR- TJA, in its declaration on March 8, International Women's Day, stated that they will expand the struggle against special war policies and the one-man regime, and noted that they will be on the field with the slogan "Women Solidarity Keeps Alive" this year due to the earthquake.
The Free Women's Movement (TJA) shared its declaration on March 8, International Women's Day with the public at the Dicle Culture and Art Association. Many TJA activists, Rosa Women's Association, Lawyers Association for Freedom (ÖHD), Democratic Regions Party (DBP) Co-General President Saliha Aydeniz, Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) Spokesperson Ebru Günay, Group Deputy Chairperson Merak Danış Beştaş, MP Remziye Tosun, Gülistan Kılıç Koçyiğit, Dilan Dirayet Taşdemir, HDP Amed(Diyarbakır) Provincial Co-chair Gülistan Atasoy and party executives.
Announcing the declaration, TJA activist Gülistan Söük said: “The women of resistance in 1910, who left March 8 as a legacy to the history of women's struggle against male-dominated fascist governments, have brought the awareness that international solidarity has the power to overthrow fascist governments. As the turning point of the revolt against women's thousands of years of oppression, we raise our voices every March 8th, in every field of life, in a manner worthy of its historical truth, and say, 'We are here, we will continue our struggle with the legacy of the past and the responsibility of the future'. We, as TJA, welcome March 8, one of our areas of struggle against the male-dominated statist mentality, in a way worthy of its historical truth in all areas of life, and with our belief that the 21st Century will be the Century of Women. As TJA, who promised to amplify this voice that resonates all over the world today as 'Jin, Jiyan, Azadî'; From the 129 women murdered in New York, from Rosa Luxemburg to Clara Zetkin, from Leyla Qasim to Sara and Sêvê, from Aysel Doğan to Nagihan Akarsel, from Jîna Eminî to Evîn Goyi, all women salute to the freedom struggle waged against the male-state-dominated ideology.
Sönük, whose words were often interrupted by the slogans of "jin, jiyan, azadi", "Bijî berxwedana jinan", continued: "The only reason why the consequences of the earthquake are so grave is the reality of the ongoing war. It is the use of the resources belonging to the society and stolen from the society, in the wars against the society. These wars in Kurdistan, the Middle East and many parts of the world; It brings with it huge problems such as exploitation, destruction, poverty, refugees, ecological destruction and displacement. The most painful of this war was waged on the territory of Southern Kurdistan, using chemical weapons and committing crimes against humanity. The ecological and sociological destructions caused by chemical weapons are enormous… These war policies, which take their ideological source from misogyny; It is an attack on the freedom struggle of the Kurdish people. On the occasion of March 8, we once again call on all democratic public opinion and international organizations to say 'stop' to this war. We also know that all attacks are an attack on the rising women's revolution and we call on all women to fight against war and occupation."
While the male-dominated colonial system plundered the geography of Kurdistan with its security policies, on the other hand, it made every corner of Turkey an area of rent. The fires and deforestation policies, especially in Dersim and Cudi, are the continuation of these attacks. As in Kazdağları and İkizdere, the offering of women's and people's living spaces to capital is a product of the same mentality. This mentality is the main reason for the destruction and loss in all the provinces affected by the earthquake, especially in Maraş. For this reason; As TJA, we state once again that protecting our plundered nature and defending our land is included in the liberation struggle of women that we are waging.”
Emphasizing the resistance that started in Rojhilatê Kurdistan and spread all over the world, Sönük said: “The 'Jin, Jiyan, Azadî' philosophy raised by Kurdish women against the male-dominated genocidal system that murdered the Kurdish woman Jîna Emini; became the greatest hope of not only Kurds, but also all peoples and women of the world. This is hope; The woman once again opened the way to defend and resist a libertarian life. This rebellion, which turned into a freedom struggle of women; It will shake the foundations of fascist governments, the debris they have created and all kinds of violence against women and will rebuild a free society."
The male-dominated genocidal mentality and its incarnation as the nation-state; It is trying to break the social resistance by specifically targeting the women pioneers of the revolution. This mind thinks that by murdering Evîn Goyî in Paris and Nagihan Akarsel in Sulaymaniyah with a treacherous assassination, it will regress the freedom struggle of women in the person of resisting Kurdish women; however, the system is wrong! Because we all know; The nation-state mind does not have the slightest courage to meet women who resist. Women against this all-out war against the Kurdish Women's Movement, which led the world women's revolution in the 21st century, and its freedom struggle; have expressed their determination and anger in many parts of the world. We as TJA; We salute this glorious resistance of all women who do not leave the grounds for a moment!”
The capitalist system, built on the denial and exploitation of women's labor, is the main cause of poverty. The only way out of this women's poverty that we are facing is the power of the organized women's struggle to build the democratic communal economy. This system of exploitation, which feeds on women's poverty, hits women the most. As all kinds of abuse of children, especially rape, violence against women, massacre and labor exploitation increase; society and life as a whole is being massacred. In the person of women who are harassed, raped and murdered every day, the target is all humanity. On this basis, we state once again; All the women who were murdered with the collaboration of men and the state in the person of Meryem Sevim, Emine Bulut, Bahar Hezer, Şule Çet, Fatma Altınmakas, Ceren Damar are our reason for struggle!”
Pointing to the special war policies, Sönük said: “The femicide and male-dominated system, on the other hand, targets the social fabric with dirty and insidious policies. Women are wanted to be left without willpower and self-defense. Agentization, drugs and prostitution with the special war policies launched against women's existence; By imposing special war policies on all social dynamics, it is desired to degrade society and morality. We once again state against special war policies; Against the planned and systematic attack of uniformed violence against young Kurdish women in the person of İpek Er, Firdevs Babat and Gülistan Doku; As women's consciousness awakens and women are organized, the rapist, sexist and fascist male-dominated system will be defeated! Of course, we are aware that this organized power of women is a nightmare of the male-dominated system.
From our mother tongue to our culture, our Kurdish and female identity is ignored and assimilated by the monist and rejecting policies of the nation-state ideology. Against this prohibitive and colonialist ideology that imposes 'slavery or death', the most important thing we can do is to protect our language and culture more than ever and make 'Xwebûn' a social claim. One of the aims of our struggle for truth is to oppose the 'truth' that is put before us. And we know that the truth is a whole. Culture and language are a mirror of understanding and the struggle to reveal the truth. The most functional element of society and culture is our mother tongue. Truth is our identity. Our mother tongue, which is one of our reasons for existence, has been assimilated and ignored by being banned by nation-state policies for a century, trying to be separated from its identity and essence. As women against the mindset that is hostile to the Kurds and their language, we will continue to lead the way so that our mother tongue can come to life in every aspect of life. On this occasion, it promises to make our mother tongue and culture vital in all social areas, and especially in Kurdish; We want it to be known that we will fight for all languages spoken to be constitutionally secured and the language of education."
Sönük concluded his words as follows: “As TJA; We emphasize once again that the main addressee of all social problems, especially the Kurdish one, is İmralı, and we place the unconditional physical freedom of Kurdish People's Leader Abdullah Öcalan at the center of our line of struggle. As the isolation policies of Kurdish People's Leader Abdullah Öcalan, which lasted for a quarter of a century, deepened, especially the massacre of women; Political, social, economic and ecological problems are also deepening at the same rate and society as a whole is put under pressure. Hereby, we emphasize once again that ensuring social freedom, especially women's freedom, and building a democratic-peaceful life is only possible with the freedom of Kurdish People's Leader Abdullah Öcalan. The most powerful force that will break the absolute isolation regime and torture system in Imrali, which is reflected in every particle of social life, will again be the organized struggle of women."
Conventions and constitutions created by the male-state mind; It does not provide women's freedom, nor does it bring social peace. Especially the Istanbul contract; We have seen and seen that our legal achievements in nation-state regimes are between the lips of the governments. On this basis, as women; We see it as a responsibility today to strengthen women's will by providing the broadest women's alliances and women's solidarity for a fair, equal and free life. We believe that the construction of a 'Democratic, Ecological, Women's Libertarian' society with a new social contract based on women's freedom, against monist, nationalist and sexist constitutions targeting the female body, will gain a new meaning on March 8th.
At the stage reached today, the revolt of the oldest colony; it has turned into a revolution all over the world with Evîn Goyî's spirit of resistance, especially in Kurdistan and the Middle East. For a free life and a free world, the women's freedom struggle developed on the basis of Jineology, represented by Nagihan as the science of this revolution, will liberate the whole society along with women. We, as TJA; we promise to expand our struggle on the basis of the philosophy of 'Jin, Jiyan Azadi' in every field and moment we are in with the legacy we have inherited from the culture of women's resistance. In addition, in this earthquake process, in which tens of thousands of people lost their lives and millions of people suffered a great trauma, it increases social solidarity under the leadership of women, against the 'one-man' regime, which is the biggest disaster that has ever happened to us, and the fascist-sexist government that was left under the rubble, and strengthens the unity and solidarity of the world's women. We celebrate March 8, the day of struggle!”
Sönük listed the actions and activities they were preparing for March 8 as follows:
“* Our central start will be held in Şırnak on March 1st.
* We will continue to stand in solidarity with women in all regions affected by the earthquake between March 1-8.
* On March 8, marches and statements will be held in Batman, Siirt, Şırnak, Van and Mardin, and joint statements and marches will be held with women's platforms in all other provinces.
* Original plans and marches will be made in metropolises.
* We as TJA; Against this fascist government's policies of debris and destruction, we will continue to build a new life together and expand the resistance by knitting strong solidarity with all women in the earthquake zone, following the philosophy of 'Women's Solidarity Keeps Alive'."

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