Abdullah Öcalan: Kurds must prepare for Social Lausanne

NEWS CENTER - PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan suggested "Social Lausanne" for the solution of all problems, emphasizing that the victory of both Kurds and Turks was due to updating Lausanne.
The Treaty of Lausanne, which was signed by nation states under the name of "peace" after the First World War and divided Kurdistan into four parts, entered its centennial. Kurdistan was divided among  Iraq, Iran, Syria and Turkey with the agreement, which started on November 20, 1922 in Lausanne, Switzerland, with the participation of representatives from Britain, France, Italy, Japan, Greece, Romania, Yugoslavia and Turkey, and which was decided on 24 July 1923, which left the Kurds without status.
The Republic of Turkey, founded on the ruins of the Ottoman Empire and the foundations of the Treaty of Lausanne, has implemented the concept of annihilation and denial towards the Kurds in the last century. The Kurds, who have resisted the genocidal policies of the nation states for a century, are seeking to conclude their own Lausanne Treaty in its centennial year. The Kurds continue to work for "Social Lausanne", with conferences and workshops that started in Lausanne, when the treaty, the beginning of the extermination and denial of the Kurds, was signed and continued in the parts of Kurdistan divided among nation states.
Stating that Lausanne was completed for the Turks, but it was incomplete for the Kurds, PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan underlined the need for Kurds to update Lausanne frequently during his meetings with his lawyers in the İmralı Type F High Security Prison, and underlined the importance of 'Social Lausanne'; He underlined that this is the solution to all problems and that both the Kurds and the Turks will win.
In the meeting on December 3, 2008, in which Abdullah Öcalan emphasized the “Kurds' Lausanne”, the British imposed the Treaty of Sèvres. I am not support a Sevres and a Lausanne. On the way to Lausanne, two Kurdish MPs were taken. It was said there, 'We are here as the representatives of Turks and Kurds', but the necessary action was not taken. For the Turks, Lausanne has been completed. For the Kurds, it needs to be completed today. I call this the Second Lausanne or the completion of Lausanne. The completion of Lausanne will be with the democratization of the republic."
Underlining that the Kurds should say, "We do not accept the Treaty of Sevres, we want to update our Lausanne", the leader of the PKK said in the meeting on December 10, 2008, "While Lausanne was signed, İsmet İnönü took two Kurdish deputies with him and introduced, 'These are Kurds, they are the representatives of the Kurds. We will solve the problem ourselves,' The MPs İsmet İnönü took with him were Diyarbakır MPs. One of them was Fevzi Bey. We have to bring the Second Lausanne to life by updating Lausanne. Thus, the National Pact was also expanded. Including the Kurds in Syria, Iraq and Iran.”
Pointing to the National Pact, Abdullah Öcalan noted that there should be a bond of heart and friendship among Kurds, and said: “My understanding of the National Pact is a bond of heart. I am talking about the bond of love and friendship with Syria, Iran and Iraq. I say it to create spaces where they can live together while preserving their originality. This is what I call the Democratic Confederal system. It is possible to live together with all the peoples, Arabs, Azeris, Persians and Turks on this basis, while preserving their originality. Look, notice, I'm not saying separatism. I say bond of love, where is the evil in this, where is the divisiveness in that?"
Stating that the National Pact and Lausanne should be updated, Abdullah Öcalan said in the meeting on January 14,  2009, “When I say the National Pact can be updated, I do not mean that the lands in Iraq or elsewhere join Turkey. The National Pact covered part of what is now Iraq up to Sulaymaniyah. Mosul-Kirkuk was connected to Iraq in 1926 with the intervention of the British. England, which is an island country the size of a finger, makes the whole world move on its finger. Today, Britain dominates world politics. The Sykes-Picot agreement should also be put on the agenda. The Treaty of Kasri Şirin also needs to be updated. The Treaty of Kasrı Şirin was also made by the feudals at that time. Kurdish MPs have also signed the Treaty of Lausanne. Lausanne was incomplete for the Kurds. The National Pact was incomplete for the Kurds. Today, these must be completed with democratic solutions and methods, and the rights of the Kurds must be recognized.”
Emphasizing the importance of building a democratic confederal system among peoples in the Middle East, Abdullah Öcalan said: “Institutions that bring people together can be established. For example, an association can be established in Kirkuk that ensures the democratic relationship of the peoples. It can be installed in Hewler. It can be established in Beirut. Among them, there may be Turkmens and Assyrians. It can be done, albeit a start. If these democratic relations between peoples are developed, nation-states in the Middle East can be overcome. I am not against the republic, the existing republics should be democratized. Türkiye was transformed into a solid nation-state. Nation-states in the Middle East need to be overcome. It is our wish that the republic be crowned with democracy."
Pointing out that many plans on the Kurds started with the Sykes-Picot Agreement, the PKK Leader said in the meeting on January 21, 2009: “The Great Kurdistan project was also prepared with Sykes-Picot. They play all kinds of games. For this, I said that the National Pact needs to be updated. So, is this divisive? No, there is no divisiveness in our understanding of solution. We are not against the republic, against the borders. My aim is to make visible the spirit and principles of the first years of the Republic during the National Pact. My call is to call upon the founding essence of the Republic, its founding philosophy.”
Abdullah Öcalan underlined the need for Kurds to discuss principles in conferences and workshops in order to update Lausanne. PKK Leader Öcalan's "Five Principles" are as follows:
“War and Peace principle: What does war bring, what does it take, what does it mean? What does peace bring, what does it take, what does it bring to whom? How is peace achieved? These need to be clarified.
Principle of unity: Kurds in Turkey, Kurds in Iran, Kurds in Syria and Iraq discuss this situation among themselves. This is unity among the Kurds themselves. They are not against the borders of the state they are in. Kurds in Turkey discuss with Turkey a way to resolve their problems democratically. Kurds in Iran discuss with Iran the method of democratic solution to their problems. However, the Kurds in Turkey, Iran, Iraq and Syria establish their relations and unity among themselves. This is not against those states, but the establishment of the Kurds' own democratic confederal system. The solution here is not in the nation-state, but in the nation-state deadlock. Great Kurdistan is not a solution, it turns it into a bloodbath. Little Kurdistan is not the solution either. The solution is to organize within the framework of democratic confederalism principles.
Democratic principle: The application of this principle is; It is the removal of all obstacles to the rights and organization of the Kurds. It is the removal of all constitutional and legal obstacles and the implementation of democratic transformation.
Principle of Cultural Rights: Recognition and realization of the culture of the Kurds as a whole. All these principles need to be clarified. What they mean, what their limits are should all be determined.
The Principle of Democratic Politics can be added. The Social Charter may also be asserted. Social, educational and economic can also be added to these as a condition of principle.”

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