Yüksekdağ: A broad women's alliance is needed

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  • 12:08 28 November 2023
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ISTANBUL - Stating that there is a need for a broad women's alliance against the attacks of the male-dominated mentality, Figen Yüksekdağ said: "A new life can be established under the leadership of women. It is time for a women's will that exceeds its borders and recognizes no obstacles in unity."
Women transform every place they are in into a field of resistance and struggle against male-state violence. Prisons are among the places where the struggle knows no boundaries. Women who were imprisoned for their struggle for identity, equality and freedom, display a resistance that goes beyond the walls, despite severe rights violations and isolation conditions. One of the women who continues her speech and struggle in prison is Figen Yüksekdağ, the former Co-Chair of the Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP), who has been held in Kandıra No. 1 Type F Closed Prison since 2016.
Yüksekdağ, who answered our questions about the 25 November Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women with a delay due to prison conditions, made evaluations about the stage of women's movements and how to respond to attacks in the new period.
Greeting all the women who took to the streets on November 25 and defended their rights and freedoms, Yüksekdağ said: "We could not follow the agenda and developments of women's movements closely due to the circumstances, but we knew very well that women never gave up and did not step back. Although there are massification problems in the field of active struggle, women's consciousness and solidarity of the oppressed gender are gaining prevalence in society. This is the result of active struggle."
Stating that the male-dominated system, due to its structure and character, establishes its sovereignty through attacks on women's rights, Yüksekdağ said: "The AKP government follows the path of dissolving or even directly liquidating the existence of women in the economy, politics, administration, social rights and areas. The misogyny and deep discrimination strategy that the government has focused on for 22 years has reached a greater dimension with the recently expanded reactionary fascist alliance. The strategy is to confine women within family borders and women are kept either at home or in prisons and left under constant barrage."
Stating that the masculine and capitalist system sees the solution in imposing more oppression and slavery, Yüksekdağ said: "There is always the same mentality behind attacks such as leaving the Istanbul Convention, not effectively protecting women against violence by the state, protecting women murderers in the judiciary, and usurping alimony and social security rights. This is a very dark mentality that does not consider women who do not fit into the mission of wife and mother within the drawn boundaries, who break their chains, as human beings, and directly turns them into enemies."
Underlining that women's movements in the Middle East, especially in Turkey and Kurdistan, are struggling for existence under very difficult and brutal conditions, Yüksekdağ said: "The role of women in social struggles and their historical experiences are important. The 'Rojava Revolution' as an example in this context. The Rojava Revolution is a reality full of both impossibilities and miracles in terms of the struggle for rights, freedoms and liberation. The women's revolution in Rojava is such a miracle. It has been shown that those who struggle with a libertarian, humane and egalitarian political program and the women who lead this struggle can win, and that a new life can be established among the ruins of war. The cry of Kurdish women, 'Jin, Jiyan, azadi', has become a call that spreads throughout the region and a torch illuminating the dark tunnel through which people pass. The women's rebellion, which started with the murder of Jîna Emînî in Iran and Rojhilat, broke out with the same slogan and gradually spread to the level of a social revolutionary movement. In other words, the Kurdish women's movement had an impact far beyond its own concrete area of existence. The regional and cultural consequences of this impact will become more evident in the coming period."
Highlighting that people, especially women and children, are under great destruction and oppression in Palestine and Northern and Eastern Syria, Yüksekdağ said: "November 25 should be a strong response to invasive, genocidal wars, which are the most political form of violence. Women are specifically targeted by the state. We witnessed the most severe forms of this during the ISIS occupation process. Now, in Northern and Eastern Syria, ISIS remnants are directing the most immoral attack of the war and sexist violence against Kurdish women and the people of the region. In Gaza, Shengal, Maxmur, Afrin; The situation is not much different in all geographies where occupation wars take place. The most common point is that women are specifically targeted and exposed to all kinds of effects and consequences of war."
Highlighting the stage of the women's struggle and the inadequacies in this process, Yüksekdağ said: "Although the freedom movement has strong positions, this is not enough to repel the attacks that come one after another from the system front. The problem alone is not that the necessity of struggle is not brought to consciousness or lack of practice, but that a new and advanced combat position is not taken to respond to the ideological and political scope of the attacks. The singular or fragmented structure of the women's liberation movement and feminist structures is an important problem area, although it is not emphasized much. For example, what level of unity of action can be achieved on a vital agenda that everyone can share, such as violence against women? The women's movement has been at a macro level for a long time. In Turkey and Kurdistan, there is no campaign that focuses on a concrete goal and does not give up before reaching it, that is, a campaign that produces results. It is insufficient to defend the gains, let alone repel the attacks and make gains."
Yüksekdağ continued: “Acting otherwise in the face of such a complicated male alliance and male fascist siege will make women lose their guard and even make them defenseless in most cases. For this reason, there is a need for a broad women's alliance that makes a voice, gets results, and turns it into an intervening force against society, the male-dominated government and the judiciary, at least in the urgent and vital struggle field such as the fight against violence. November 25 is as much a rebellion against all kinds of violence against women as it is a guide for society to reach an order without war, violence and exploitation. A new life can be established and won in the new century under the leadership and guidance of women. It is time for a women's politics and will that opens its arms wide, goes beyond its borders to include women at the highest level, and recognizes no obstacles in unity. Even though we, the captive and hostage women, want to, we will not be able to add our voice to yours in the fields. But violence against women is everywhere; The struggle is everywhere. We add our struggle to your struggle. We call the massacres of women 'jin, jiyan, azadi' in areas and combat positions against war, violence and isolation."
MA / Esra Solin Dal

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