Great Freedom March on its 7th day

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  • 13:37 7 February 2024
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NEWS CENTER – The "Great Freedom March", carried out in two branches, created great enthusiasm and morale in every center. The marchers were welcomed with a 300-meter-long human chain in Gimgim, and in Silopiya, they were welcomed by Sakine Demir, the mother of the murdered Sêvê Demir, with the words "Either freedom or freedom".

It witnesses moments of enthusiasm and determination as well as emotional moments at every point of the "Great Freedom March" launched for the freedom of PKK Leader Abdullah Ocalan and the democratic solution of the Kurdish issue. Those who set out to ensure the freedom of Abdullah Ocalan testify in different ways to the Kurds’ loyalty to Ocalan, whom they call "my will". Sometimes this is a scarf, sometimes a melody or a word. The people who embrace the freedom marchers express their longing for peace with Kurdish melodies or slogans.
Those who set out from Wan and Qers continue their march, which they describe as a "journey of truth", in winter conditions. Yesterday's stop of the Wan branch of the Freedom March, which has been going on for a week, was Silopiya (Silopi) district of Şirnex. When the Freedom Marchers arrived in Silopiya, they were welcomed by the Mothers for Peace with white scarves, the symbol of peace. A mother hugging DBP Co-Chair Keskin Bayındır tightly said: “Ez qurbana we bim. Bila meşa we azadi bine/ May your march bring freedom."
Freedom Marchers did not forget those who lost their lives in the earthquake that occurred on February 6, 2023, centered in Mereş and affected 11 cities. Freedom Marchers, who commemorated those who lost their lives in the earthquake with a black ribbon on their aprons with the words "Meşa Azadîyê/ Great Freedom March" written on them throughout the road, walked arm in arm with Mothers for Peace.
What left its mark on the march was Sakine, the mother of Democratic Regions Party (DBP) Party Council member Sêvê Demir, who was murdered along with Free Women's Congress (Tevgerê Jinên Azad-KJA) activist Fatma Uyar and Silopi People's Assembly Co-chair Pakize Nayır on January 4, 2016, when curfews were imposed in the district. 
 “Our concern is peace and unity. We want peace. Police, soldiers, guerrillas, civilians, they are all my children. Let the Turks be on our side. Enough is enough, don't let our children die. Either freedom or freedom."
Citizens, who did not give up showing their support despite the police blockade to prevent the people of the district and the Freedom Marchers from coming together, walked on the opposite side of the street. During the walk, the mothers sang GUlistan Perver's song "Kurdistanê Kurdistan" while passing in front of the armored vehicles. 
Zeynep BeGenir, one of the mothers who did not leave the Freedom Marchers alone despite having cancer and took part in the march and sang the song "Kurdistanê Kurdistan", explained her feelings to the microphone we held out: "I hope this march will lead to peace. Everyone knew what this march was for. However, thousands of people should have participated in this march today. No problem is solved by killing, we want peace. Everyone had to put their hands on their conscience and join this march. They can't end it by killing us or arresting us. This problem can only be solved through peace. Peace will not come as long as this absolute isolation continues."
When it was time to say goodbye, Mothers for Peace presented the Freedom Marchers with white headscarves, the symbol of peace, and wished: "I hope your march will lead to peace." 
Mothers again said: "If the Leader is cold, we are cold too," and delivered the scarves they had knitted with their own hands to the Freedom Marchers to be given to Abdullah Ocalan.
The next stop of the Freedom Marchers, who rested for a while at the DEM Party Silopiya district organization building, was the graves of those who lost their lives during the curfew period. Freedom Marchers visited the graves of Taybet Inan, who was murdered in Silopiya and whose lifeless body remained in the middle of the street for 7 days, and Ayse Buruntekin, who was also murdered in the same period. Taybet Inan's grave was visited first with the Mothers for Peace. Taybet Inan's family also took part in the visit. Freedom Marchers and Mother Taybet's grandchildren left carnations at the cemetery together. Afterwards, Ayse Buruntekin's grave was visited. The words about Buruntekin, who was said to have a 7-month-old child at the time of his murder: "Her son sucked milk from her lifeless body, she died but she became alive to her child" caused emotional moments.
Freedom Marchers left the cemetery, reiterating once again their promise that they would continue their struggle to bring peace to these lands.
Freedom Marchers, who set out from Qers, met with the public in the districts of Erzirom (Erzurum) and Mûş. During the march, which lasted a week and created great excitement among the public, the most mass meetings took place in Qerecoban (Karaçoban) and Gımgım (Varto). The density of women in these marches attracted particular attention.
An article by PKK Leader Abdullah Ocalan regarding Imralı Prison was read at the DEM Party district building visited by the marchers.
Şêx Seid was commemorated in Xînûs, another center visited by the marchers. Here, together with Şêx Seid, they were promised to follow the path of Qazi Muhammed and Ocalan. This mother, to whom we handed the microphone, said: “Our children are under absolute isolation in prisons. Even though their sentences are over, they are not released and are forced to regret. This march will ensure that this oppression ends. Our leader Ocalan has not been allowed to meet with his family and lawyers for 3 years. This march will definitely achieve its goal."
Şêx Seid was commemorated in Xînûs, another center visited by the marchers. Here, together with Şêx Seid, they were promised to follow the path of Qazi Muhammed and Ocalan.
Gımgım was one of the centers that witnessed the most crowded reception in the march that started from Qers. In the district, where a human chain approximately 300 meters long was formed, it took minutes for the marchers to shake hands with the people.
For the first time, "Meşa Azadiyê" banner were carried in Gimgim during the march. It was touching when an old uncle, carrying a "Jin, Jîyan, Azadî" banner in his hand, hugged DBP Co-Chair Çiğdem Kılıçgün Uçar and cried. The old uncle said: “I watched Samet singing to you in the cafe in Patnos and I was very impressed. I believe that this march of yours will bring great gains." There was another first in Gimgim. Gimgim was again the center where the longest mass march took place. During the march, which lasted about half an hour, neither prohibitions nor police nor obstacles were observed, and the people voiced their slogans without hesitation.
Marchers commemorated those who lost their lives in almost every center of Kurdistan, which was turned into a geography of massacre, and repeated the promise of success at each commemoration. Hakan Buksur, who was shot in the head and murdered as a result of fire opened from an armored vehicle during the Kobanê protests on October 7, 2014, and YJA-STAR, who lost his life in 2015 and whose remains were exhibited. Commemorations were made for guerrilla Kevser Eltürk (Ekin Wan). During these commemorations, the slogan "Bimre îxanet" (Down with treason) was chanted the most.

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