'Preparation for genocide against Kurds in the shadow of March elections'

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  • 15:09 25 March 2024
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NEWS CENTER - Evdilmelik Fırat from Yeni Yaşam pointed out in her article that the government was preparing for genocide against the Kurds in the run-up to the March 31 elections.
Evdilmelik Fırat from Yeni Yaşam newspaper drew attention to the government's preparations for an attack against the Kurds with the article titled "Preparations for genocide against the Kurds in the shadow of the March elections." Fırat pointed out that everyone who has a conscience, especially the Kurds, who is in favor of democracy, freedom and threshold, and who says that exploitation, poverty and misery is enough, must stay away from the equations where AKP-MHP fascism will win.
The article written by Evdilmelik Fırat is as follows:
“There are only a few days left until the elections. The economic crisis turned into an economic depression after the general elections. Moreover, this picture is braked for the sake of local elections. The biggest part of this has been saved for after the election. Although very bright and flashy rhetoric was expressed in the past period, in practice the misery has deepened even more. In all areas of life, especially the economy, after March 31, the foot will be taken off the brake and the aftermath will be a deluge. The racist, fascist right-wing policy based on hostility towards Kurds has finally reached its fateful point. It is not possible for Turkey to breathe easy as long as this policy continues. The all-out war concept launched in 2015, with the attacks on the Federal Kurdistan Region, Northern and Eastern Syria, has confirmed the Kurdish issue internationally as a fully-fledged Kurdistan issue.
Even though some sensible people and circles talk about a solution, there is no need to be a prophet to see that the government is preparing to complete the Kurdish genocide. The military and diplomatic steps taken and the threats made clearly show that the AKP-MHP government is preparing to deepen the war. The economic collapse it has caused internally, the isolation it has experienced abroad, the international balance and interests and most importantly the invincible struggle of the Kurds have not allowed it to carry out the Kurdish genocide on its own. For this reason, it has been trying to develop a new plan and gain support both internally and externally for a while. It aims to create despair in the Kurds with the concept of intense arrests and attacks over the last eight years, as well as special and psychological warfare. On the one hand, it is trying to separate the Kurds from the oppressed people of Turkey, and on the other hand, when its mask is removed in the face of the epic struggle, this time it is running a campaign under the name of Hizbulkontra, KDP and 'Kurdish nationalists'. With the state resources and media power at its disposal, it systematically aims to undermine the momentum that the Kurds have gained through alliance politics. For his personal and family interests, it is trying to break the will of the free Kurds by promoting the Kurdish-origin recruits who have stood by its without hesitation in the name of the official ideology for a hundred years, regardless of who is in power.
The outward aspect of the new concept is to gain new allies and supports in the hostility towards Kurds. For this reason, it markets Turkey's riches, especially its geostrategic and geopolitical position, to the hegemonic powers today, as it did yesterday. For a long time, Russia was opposed to the US working with the Democratic Syrian Forces in Northern and Eastern Syria. Using the antipathy of Russia in the Western bloc, it forced it to change its policy against the Kurds' struggle and provide the old support. The USA's sanctions, albeit mild, its expulsion from the F-35 project, the suspension of F-16 modernization and sales, faced its cards in Syria, Cyprus and the Eastern Mediterranean. At the G-20 Summit held in India in 2023, Turkey was not included in the energy project connecting India-Middle East-Europe, referred to as IMEC.
IMEC and the Western bloc, which bypassed China's Belt and Road Project and aimed to save Europe from dependence on Russia in energy, sent a serious message by not including Turkey in an energy project for the first time. Even though Erdogan said, "This project cannot be done without Turkey," the message was received instantly. Since that date, the AKP-MHP government has been regularly trying to approach the Western bloc. The first signal was fired with the approval of Sweden and Finland's NATO membership, which was deemed impossible. The process of adaptation to the West's Russia sanctions program has begun. The repercussions of turning to the West were also reflected in the last Astana Summit, where all powers used each other and marketed Syria. At the summit, Russia and Iran asked Turkey to withdraw from Syria, reminding them of the promises they made in Syria for a long time but did not fulfill.
The summit, where anti-Kurdish sentiment was the most important common point, was inconclusive, and relations between Putin and Erdogan have been tense ever since. However, the discomfort of the Russia-Iran duo will not prevent Erdogan from accelerating the process of steering the Western bloc. With the approval of the membership of Sweden and Finland, topics such as being a part of NATO's expansion strategy, keeping a distance from Russia, protecting the interests of the Western bloc in the Middle East against Iran in the future and supporting the security of Israel have always been Turkey's priority marketing products. In return, it wants an infusion of hot money into the economy that collapsed in the war with the Kurds, permission to attack Syria and Iraq to complete the Kurdish genocide, and permission and support to make its sphere of influence permanent.
This was the most basic item of Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan and MIT President Ibrahim Kalın's trip to Washington. The meetings held in Hewlêr and Baghdad with the participation of the Foreign Affairs, Defense, General Staff, MIT and KDP staffs were also held for this purpose. The result of the visits to the USA and Iraq was that the PKK was described as a banned organization. Even if Turkey does not get exactly what it wants, a process has started between the two countries with the joint statement. KDP is working to ensure that Turkey gets what it wants in this regard by deepening the cooperation practice it has been involved in for a long time. The aim is the occupation of the Federal Kurdistan Region and Rojava and the completion of the Kurdish genocide. As a matter of fact, Erdogan makes this a promise in the election squares without hiding it.
In order for genocide to occur, YNK must first be drawn to the KDP's collaborative line with a carrot and stick policy, and then the approval of the USA and the West must be obtained. This is the crucial point. KDP, whose will has been broken since the 2017 referendum and has become an administrative unit rather than a political entity, has lost the majority of its income sources. Following Iraq's complaint, the International Arbitration Court both banned the Barzani family from selling oil to Turkey and sentenced them to retroactive fines. The valves had to be closed. Not only could the civil servants not be able to pay their salaries, but the wheel of bribery and corruption of the elite had come to a halt. Taking advantage of the weaknesses of the KDP, the Central Government activated the judicial mechanism to eliminate the Kurdish status, pushing the KDP further into Turkey's arms.
The Barzani family, which has become a great danger for the Kurds after being taken over by the AKP-MHP government, is marketing the status of Kurdistan in order to maintain its position and get a share of oil sales again. It wants Iraq to reach an agreement with Turkey by making concessions on the status. This situation is one of the common demands and points of both Turkey and Iraq. According to the agreement, Turkey will accept Iraq's demands on the water issue, which it uses as leverage. In return, Iraq will waive the fine imposed on Turkey by International Arbitration. From now on, the Kirkuk-Yumurtalik valves will be reopened so that oil and natural gas payments will be made to the Central Government. KDP will also get a share. Turkey-KDP armed forces will enter into a joint war against the PKK and will provide political support in Iraq, even if there is no obligation to actually participate in it.
Like the agreement regarding Shengal, this agreement made at the table also seems 'flawless'. The rest is left to the inclusion of regional and global powers in the process. The most important part of the scenario begins here. The corridor that will start from Erdogan's Rojhilat Kurdistan and extend to Afrin is the crux of the matter. This corridor gives away the framework of the plan. For the AKP-MHP government, it means saving the bankrupt economy and completing the Kurdish genocide, and for the Barzani family, it means continuing the wheel of bribery and corruption and reinforcing the influence it has lost over the people. For this, the PKK must be liquidated and Rojava and Sulaymaniyah must be made politically and economically a province of Turkey, like Duhok and Hewlêr.
This is the purpose of Turkey constantly threatening the YNK, extending its attacks to this point, and at the same time implementing a carrot policy. Because the main oil and natural gas resources of the Federal Kurdistan Region are in the Suleymaniye, Cemçemal and Kirkuk basins. With the new discoveries made, the natural gas reserves in the region under YNK control make the Federal Kurdistan Region the second natural gas-rich region in the world. It is this unique natural gas and oil reserve that whets the appetite and makes the war drums beat. Since PKK and YNK were an obstacle to the plan, they were targeted in the new attack plan. The part of the pipeline extending from Cemçemal to Silopi, falling into the Federal Kurdistan Region, has already been completed. As a continuation of this line, the part extending from Silopi to Hatay was made ready for flow. The 30-40 kilometer wide corridor that Erdogan mentioned is essential for the security of this line.
The other leg of the plan is the Development Road Project, which is planned to connect from Basra to Shengal and from there to Europe via Turkey. Thus, the Federal Kurdistan Region and Rojava will be separated from each other, the status of the region will be reduced, and Duhok and Hewlêr will be completely turned into provinces of Turkey. Another obstacle to the bloody project that necessitates the Kurdish genocide is international balances. With the Russia-Ukraine war, Europe entered a serious energy crisis. Even if the war ends, it is no longer possible for Europe to trust Russia to be its energy supplier. So far, it has been managed with the USA's liquefied gas and existing stocks, but it is not possible for the continent, which absorbs a significant part of the world's energy, to continue this way. There is an urgent need for new energy suppliers and roads. 
Turkey is winking at Europe precisely through this need. It has been negotiating for some time to turn a blind eye to the Kurdish genocide and to support it if possible. Germany, which has long been profiting from the Kurdish massacres, is negotiating and trying to persuade other European countries to this bloody project. The riches of Kurdistan will be transferred to Europe through a project based on the Kurdish genocide. Europe will no longer be dependent on Russian gas. At the bargaining table, traders also keep an eye on the USA. Because it is not possible for either Europe to be involved or Turkey to attempt this without the USA's approval. The last visit to Washington by Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan and MIT President Ibrahim Kalın was a test of the pulse of the USA. We will see how the USA will react to this bloody plan in the coming period.
On the other side of the coin are Russia and Iran. The reason why Russia's relations with Turkey became sour and Moscow drew the sword in Astana was because it sensed this plan. After Iran, it is Russia that will be harmed in the second degree. This step not only neutralizes Russia's most effective weapon in the Ukraine war, but also impedes Russia's most important market going forward. Its reaction and intervention to the passage of one leg of the project through Syria, which it is responsible for, can be predicted. Its first step will be to sweep away the religious radicals under Turkey's control. The second step is to initiate a new process between the Kurds and the Syrian regime, which is Turkey's worst nightmare. So far, Russia has frequently used this trump card to gain concessions from Turkey. It also has the power and opportunity to rebuild the Azerbaijan-Armenia equation from scratch. It is not possible for Turkey to use the US-Russia balance for this equation as it has done so far. If it is for one, it must be against the other.
The country that will be most disturbed by the project will undoubtedly be Iran. While fighting to share Iraq with the USA, it is unthinkable that Turkey would remain indifferent to plowing its own fields. Considering the current influence, it seems very difficult for Iraq to participate in the project without Tehran's consent. As a matter of fact, Turkey made a similar agreement with the KDP, Sunni forces and the Shia Sadr movement in 2020. The Iraqi side of the agreement was annulled due to Iran's move, while the leg of the agreement towards Shengal failed due to the resistance of the Kurds. It is difficult to predict to what extent the steps taken by Fidan, Kalın and Güler during their last visit to Iraq will reach with Erdogan's post-election visit, but to achieve results, many forces that were against its need to turn in its favor.
Regardless of who designed it in the Middle East, the Kurdish movement is included in all equations in terms of its fighting power. It is the main agenda and side of the issues, especially in which Turkey is involved. We have entered such a process again. The concept of total war, which has been carried out uninterruptedly for eight years, was strategically defeated by the resistance of Kurdish politics. The occupied areas have turned into a complete swamp for Turkey and it has suffered heavy military blows for the last year. It confirmed the Kurdish people's insistence on freedom despite all political and military attacks during the week-long Newroz celebrations. During the past eight years, Turkey has mainly waged war through reconnaissance and surveillance techniques. It had a significant advantage in this regard. Despite the technique, it has suffered heavy military blows in the last year. The reason for this situation was understood with the good news announced by KCK Executive Council Member Murat Karayılan on the occasion of Newroz. He announced that they have acquired a defense system against air attack systems. It is obvious that this development is a factor that will significantly change the balances in the coming period. It is not difficult to guess that the good news disturbed the sleep of the AKP-MHP fascism, which was preparing for the Kurdish genocide after the election.
Another development that will dampen fascism's enthusiasm for genocide will be its defeat in the elections. In this respect, the March 31 election must not be treated as just a local election. It is important not to give this opportunity to fascism, which wants to renew confidence and sees this as a basis for war. Everyone who has a conscience, especially the Kurds, who is in favor of democracy, freedom and threshold, and who says exploitation, poverty and misery is enough, must stay away from the equations where AKP-MHP fascism will win. The justified reaction against the CHP, the founder of the official ideology and competing with the AKP-MHP on many issues, must never be allowed to turn into a ground that allows fascism to breathe. The immediate danger at the moment is the AKP-MHP fascism, which holds state power, holds a knife to the throats of the oppressed, especially the Kurds, and makes threats of this. Even if it has the same mentality, CHP is a distant threat due to the conditions it is in. If political balance is the art of evaluating opportunities and dangers well and executing the most appropriate tactic, then it is necessary to determine the secondary and essential aspects well and take steps accordingly.
In short, it is a historical responsibility to make AKP-MHP fascism, which states that it is preparing for genocide throughout Kurdistan after the elections, lose everywhere. When everyone goes to the polls on March 31, they should make a decision and put their stamp on it, considering the preparations AKP-MHP has been making for an all-out war at home and abroad for the last two months and the massacres this will cause.

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