People sent the trustees back to where they came from!


IZMIR - DEM Party took back 37 of the 48 municipalities to which trustees were appointed and increased the number of municipalities to 78. Other municipalities under trustee rule were usurped by the votes of the military and police.

On March 31, voters in Turkey and Kurdistan went to the ballot box once again to elect local administrators. The latest situation in the municipalities where trustees were appointed in Kurdistan was wondered. The People's Equality and Democracy Party (DEM Party) won back most of the municipalities where trustees were appointed, despite the votes of thousands of soldiers and police officers. DEM Party became the first party in 75 provinces, districts and towns. While the objection processes for some centers continue, the results seem to have been in favor of the AKP in at least 12 centers due to the transported military-police officers.
In the local elections of March 31, 2019, the People's Democratic Party (HDP) won a total of 65 municipalities, including 3 metropolitan municipalities, 5 provinces, 45 districts and 12 towns. The co-mayors of the 6 elected municipalities could not receive their certificates of election due to the decision taken by the Supreme Electoral Board (YSK). The co-chairs of 4 municipalities resigned or were expelled from HDP. The co-mayor of 1 municipality resigned from HDP and continued with the alliance. Trustees were appointed to 48 municipalities. There are 6 municipalities left, 2 of which are towns and 4 of which are districts (Agirî/Panos, Amed/Xana Axpar, Erzirom/Qereçoban, Şirnex/Silopiya, Şirnex/Gundikê Melê and Semsûr/Komir).
DEM Party regained 7 of the municipalities (Amed, Wan, Mêrdîn, Colemêrg, Sêrt, Êlih, Îdir) where trustees were appointed after the 2019 local elections. Qers, on the other hand, was usurped by AKP-MHP with the votes of mobile soldiers and police. DEM Party also won Mûş, Agirî and Dêrsim.
Municipalities that trustees were appointed, Agirî/Giyadin (Diyadin), Amed/Bismil, Erxenî (Ergani), Peyas (Kayapınar), Karaz (Kocaköy), Pasur (Kulp), Licê (Lice), Farqîn (Silvan), Sûr and Bajêrê Nû (Yenişehir) Erzirom/Qereyazî (Karayazı), Colemêrg/Gever (Yüksekova), Mêrdîn/Qoser (Kızıltepe), Şemrex (Mazışığı), Dêrîk (Derik), Nisêbîn (Nusaybin), Mûş/Kop (Bulanık), Gimgim (Varto), Sêrt /Misirc (Kurtalan), Şirnex/Cizîr (Cizre), Hezex (İdil), Riha/Pirsûs (Suruç), Wan/Qelqelî (Başle), Rêya Armûşê (İpekyolu), Erdîş (Erciş), Bêgirî (Muradiye), Qelqelî ( Özalp) and Serav (Saray) districts and Halfeli and İkiköprü town municipalities were taken back from the trustees.
Mêrdîn/Stêwr (Savur), Amed/Gêl (Eğil) and Hezro (Hazro), Sêrt/Hawêl (Baykan), Êlih/Hezo (Kozluk), Bedlîs/Norşîn (Güroymak) districts and Akpazar, Sarıcan, Erentepe and Gökçebağ towns, It was usurped with the votes of the transported soldiers and police.
In addition to taking back many of the municipalities where trustees were appointed, the DEM Party also won many new municipalities. The number of municipalities from 65 was increased to 78. 
MA / Semra Turan

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