Bakırhan announced 5 articles to government and opposition


ANKARA - DEM Party Co-Chair Tuncer Bakırhan stated that in their meetings with political parties, they made suggestions for "the solution of the Kurdish issue, the right to democratic politics, 'common sense' against the economic crisis, an end to attacks on women's struggle and a new constitution based on the separation of powers."

People's Equality and Democracy Party (DEM Party) Co-Chair Tuncer Bakırhan made evaluations about the agenda at his party's weekly group meeting.
Bakırhan started his speech in Kurdish on the occasion of May 15 Kurdish Language Day. He reminded that Celadet Alî Bedirxan and his friends published Hawar Magazine 92 years ago and that this magazine has historical importance for the Kurdish language. 
“I commemorate Celadet Alî Bedirxan, Osman Sebrî, Qedrî Can, Cegerxîn, Mihemed Şêxo, Aram Tîgran, Apê Mûsa and Ferzad Kemanger and everyone who worked for the Kurdish language. Kurdish is everywhere. Let's write in Kurdish, let's talk in Kurdish, let's think in Kurdish" Bakırhan said.
Stating that there are serious obstacles to the Kurdish language and culture, Bakırhan continued as follows: “Although we are in the 21st century, Kurdish cinemas, theaters and concerts are banned. Unfortunately, this shame has continued for a hundred years. As you know, those who say there is denial and assimilation in this country and those who demand democracy are either murdered, forced into exile, or put on trial. The Kurdish issue, one of Turkey's most important issues, has been ignored for years. The existence of millions of Kurds was denied, and absurd theories were produced to prove that Kurds are not Kurds. This country lost decades with these theories. While the world was developing in science, technology and democracy, we tried to deceive and distract the people of this country for years with Kart-Kurt theories, but at the point we have reached, Kurds, their language and Kurdish culture continue to exist despite these theories.
Looking back over a century, we all lived through times when only solutions were talked about, people were happier, the economy was better. Whenever violence escalated, lawlessness prevailed, and the state wanted to hold the Kurdish opponents to account by initiating collective revenge cases. Everyone knows that these cases are not civil cases. These cases are cases of political revenge. These are cases of attack on the right to democratic politics. This is the ultimate point of denying the Kurds in the 21st century. We are faced with a case where the judiciary operates as a conspiracy institution. Look, because a tweet was sent 2 days later, our friends, our previous co-chairs Figen Yüksekdağ, Selahattin Demirtaş and dozens of our HDP friends are being tried in the Kobanê Conspiracy Case. This case is active as a conspiracy institution. We all saw together how the judges and prosecutors who opened this case and signed the critical procedures were in a network of relationships with gangs, mafias and criminal organizations.
At the group meeting, we all saw and witnessed those who pointed fingers at the public, threatened them and gave instructions to the judiciary. This case is not only a civil and judicial case, we are also faced with a case in which politicians are involved, and they are the judge, prosecutor and police of this case. To date, in this country, the coup has been prepared and put into effect not only in the headquarters of the organ, but also in the corridors of the courthouse. Wasn't the execution of Adnan Menderes a political coup, wasn't the 367 decision a blow to politics? Weren't these coups carried out by those wearing judges' robes? Yes, the oppressed people of that day were you, the Kurds, the revolutionaries and the intellectuals. Today, you (the Government) continue to torture Kurds, revolutionaries and intellectuals through the judiciary, moving from oppressed to tyrannical. You are trying to take revenge. On the one hand, you are being unfair to the Kobanê Conspiracy Case and, on the other hand, to Osman Kavala. You are ignoring the will of the people by keeping Can Atalay hostage like HDP elected officials. Those who consider these cases to be justified against us, our opponents, are also whitewashing the JITEM cases, which have been massacring Kurds, intellectuals and revolutionaries for decades, one by one. The people of Turkey see these and will not forget them. These will always remain vividly in our memories.
I would like to state that one day, when the time comes, we will come to terms with those who massacred Kurds and intellectuals and whitewashed these cases, before a democratic judiciary in a democratic country. When the closure case was filed against AKP, they said in their defense that 'The main thing in democracies is to rule by the will chosen by the people'. Well, wasn't Gültan Kışanak elected? Isn't it the will of the Selçuk Mızraklı people? We are faced with such a government and such a state mentality that they forget what they said for themselves when they were in trouble, when they came to power. When it came to Kurds and opponents, they implemented those two laws in their minds, words and practices. Weren't you the one who defended the rule of law and called for justice when the closure case was filed? So where is the rule of law? If we ask where is justice, there is nothing. Now you have a chance. We say put an end to political cases that violate the right to democratic politics, especially the Kobanê Conspiracy Case.
Those who call for softening and normalization today also admit that there was lawlessness and injustice yesterday. This means that Turkey has not been governed by law for 22 years, nor has a normal law been implemented. If you want real normalization, the way is clear, as I just said, first of all, put an end to the Kobanê Conspiracy Case.
End the absolute isolation that Mr. Öcalan is in. These will be the most important steps in normalization. Neither we nor the people of Turkey will believe in normalization and softening without doing these. Whenever Mr. Öcalan played his role in peace and solution, there was prosperity and peace in the country, and young people and the people of Turkey looked to the future with hope. But whenever the intervention in democratic politics began, we were faced with despair, a deterioration in the economy, and millions of people losing hope in Turkey. Yes, it is right to normalize, but if you want to normalize, the solution is an island away, an island close.
Unfortunately, the approach of the law, judiciary and some of the media in the country is that their eyes are closed and their ears are not deaf when it comes to the opposition. Look, murders are being committed in the middle of the street, license plates are visible... Flashing vehicles are scattered around, but some trolls don't say a word about it. Believe me, today there is not one but dozens of Susurluk cases all over Turkey. Gangs that will bring mercy to Susurluk are roaming everywhere. But what's wrong with these trolls? Blaming the DEM Party with lies and slander. We have repeatedly asked the question; Are these journalists? These are not journalists, but hitmen at best. We are calling out to the government; Keep these curlers away from us. You have created new parallel structures within the state with your own hands. Now these structures are around your hands and feet and you are crying out. We repeat; Turn your face to law and justice, not to dark structures. The future of both Turkey and you, and the benefit of both Turkey and democracy, lies in turning your face to law and justice again. 
What does AKP Chairn Erdogan say on the anniversary of the establishment of the Council of State? He says that we will not allow the narrow-cadre mentality that favors the interests of a certain group to take root in state institutions, including the justice organization. In fact, Mr. Erdogan also admits a fact. This means that there is a structure in the judiciary and state staff that actually protects the interests of a group. Well rojbaş Erdogan, rojbaş! Aren't these parallel structures your work? Weren't you the ones who gave instructions to the judiciary every day? Weren't you the ones who turned the judiciary into a roadside inn? Now you have brought the judiciary to such a point that it has become a tool to silence the opposition and get the job done. Therefore, this judiciary cannot dispense law or justice in Turkey. First of all, those who are nestled in this judiciary, these circles that do not base democracy and the rule of law, need to be exposed one by one. Otherwise, Turkey will increasingly have to move away from being a state of law, freedoms and democracies.
Turkey's most important issue is the Kurdish issue. We keep saying this. We will continue to repeat this until this is known. A Turkishness that ensures the status and recognition of the Kurds is the key to the solution. Ethnic monism and culturally based nationalism are one of the main sources of problems. A common identity definition that covers everyone will be a solution to many problems in this country. The infrastructure necessary for the Kurds to live in this country with their own language, identity and status needs to be created. Now is the time to settle accounts with the Republic, which ignores and denies the Kurds. The way to Turkey's primary and external security is through a great Turkish and Kurdish peace. Unless great peace and social reconciliation is achieved between Turks and Kurds, the economy will fail, the law will fail, democracy and freedom will fail! Just as you said, parallel structures will continue to be organized in the judiciary and bureaucracy, and will continue to interfere with you and democracy. Ensuring Turkey's social peace means ensuring its security and prosperity. Security is not a ball, not a rifle, not a bullet. Security is not about carrying out operations across the border, establishing police stations, security is not about separating Kurds from each other and drawing some Kurds to the politics of denial, rejection and assimilation, the real security is about realizing democracy and freedoms by ensuring social peace between Turks and Kurds in the country.
Yesterday, they announced a savings package with great pomp. We also wondered; Will this package really save the people and workers of Turkey from this economic crisis, poverty and deprivation we are in? We listened with all our ears.
They call it the savings package, but when we examined the inside, it became clear that it was an illusionary package. What is the total of this savings package? Even if they do everything they say, they will save 100 billion Liras. If the entire savings package, which they announced with great pomp and broadcast live on all channels, is implemented, Turkey will save 100 billion Liras. Well, when we look at the figures I will announce now, we will see together whether they are really in favor of saving or whether they are sincere on this issue.
Yesterday, they announced a savings package with great pomp. We also wondered; Will this package really save the people and workers of Turkey from this economic crisis, poverty and deprivation we are in? We listened with all our ears.
They call it the savings package, but when we examined the inside, it became clear that it was an illusionary package. What is the total of this savings package? Even if they do everything they say, they will save 100 billion Liras. If the entire savings package, which they announced with great pomp and broadcast live on all channels, is implemented, Turkey will save 100 billion Liras. Well, when we look at the figures I will announce now, we will see together whether they are really in favor of saving or whether they are sincere on this issue.
Pointing to the diplomatic negotiations that intensified after the March 31 elections, Bakırhan informed that they will continue negotiations with political parties. Bakırhan said: “We will continue these meetings not only with the political parties in the Parliament, but also with the political parties outside the parliament, social organizations and faith organizations. The main purpose of these meetings is to find common ground. Yes, we are living these days because the opposition and social segments cannot find a common ground, we are experiencing these deceptions, this lawlessness, this injustice. Finding common ground is also the duty of the DEM Party. Our people no longer want political parties to be centers of polemics, but to be centers of solutions. They gave us this message clearly on March 31. We are also struggling to become a solution center.”
Bakırhan explained the 5 points that the DEM Party drew attention to in their meetings with political party leaders:
“*The democratic solution to the Kurdish issue is for the benefit of both Turkey and the Middle East. Let's achieve a solution based on negotiation together. Without progress in solving the Kurdish issue, there will be neither the Turkey Century nor a new constitution.
*Let us secure the right to democratic politics. Let's protect Turkey from military and bureaucratic coups aimed at politics. Let's make coups in Turkey a thing of the past.
*Let's act with common sense against the economic crisis. Let's protect the rights of workers, the poor, and society as a whole. Let's protect society against the crisis.
*Let's build an egalitarian and liberal social life by ending the attacks on the rights that women have won through struggle.
*In order to ensure social peace, let's oppose the separate law that protects everyone's rights and laws, applied to Kurds, workers, revolutionaries, and dissidents. Let's make a new constitution based on local democracy and separation of powers. We said let's read the message given by the people on March 31 correctly. We said let's achieve peace, justice and prosperity in this country together."
Finally, addressing all Kurds living in Turkey and the Middle East, Bakırhan said: “We are in a period where developments in the world determine the fate of the Middle East. We all have historical responsibilities. The greatest historical responsibility that falls upon us is to ensure Kurdish national unity. They should not put their interests ahead of the democratic national unity of the Kurds. Because in the process we live in, as Kurds, we are in the limbo of winning big or losing big. In this regard, all segments of Kurdistan, whether organized or unorganized, institutions, individuals and parties, have great and important duties. We think that they will approach this with duty and responsibility. It is not against anyone for the Kurds to achieve their national unity and democratic unity in four parts. First of all, it is for the benefit of the workers, women and the poor there that Kurds gain democratic rights in the countries where they live together in the Middle East. Because the budget spent to ignore the Kurds will be spent on the poor living in that country. The national unity of the Kurds is not a threat to Turkish democracy. The national unity of the Kurds will not be an obstacle to the democratization of Iran, Iraq and Syria, on the contrary, it will ensure the democratization and liberation of these countries in need of democracy and freedom. Let's unite. We say that we should accelerate the democratic solution of the Kurdish issue in the Middle East, fight together, and do our best to flourish democracy in Turkey and the Middle East."

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