Abdullah Öcalan: I am fighting for peace


RIHA - Abdullah Öcalan has been struggling for the democratic solution of the Kurdish issue and he has been persistently continuing his struggle, which he defines as “the war for peace”, even under conditions of isolation in İmralı. 

More than 70 million people lost their lives during the Second World War, which started with the invasion of Poland by the Nazis on September 1, 1939 and lasted for 6 years. The Soviet Union and members of the Warsaw Pact declared September 1 as “World Peace Day” to commemorate the loss of life in the war and to establish peace. The United Nations (UN), on the other hand, declared September 21 as World Peace Day in 1981. For this reason, World Peace Day is celebrated on September 1 in some parts of the world and on September 21 in others.
However, in the 85 years since the Second World War, wars and conflicts have continued all over the world, especially in the Middle East.  The Russian-Ukrainian war in Turkey, Iraq, Iran and Syria, which began in 2021, and Israel's attacks on Palestine on October 7, 2023 were added to the conflicts in Turkey, Iraq, Iran and Syria. While Israel continued the same attacks against Lebanon and Iran in addition to Palestine, the peoples of the world once again witnessed the bloody politics of nation-states. 
One of the main demands of the World Peace Day events held in many cities in Turkey, Kurdistan and Europe is a democratic solution to the Kurdish issue. PKK leader Abdullah Öcalan, who has been fighting for the solution of the Kurdish issue, described October 9, 1998, the date of the international conspiracy against him, as “the start of the 3rd World War”. While there has been no news from Abdullah Öcalan, who has been held in İmralı F Type Closed Prison under heavy isolation conditions for more than 25 years, for 42 months, the increasing violence and conflict since 2015, when the government reintroduced the war concept, has dragged Turkey into a crisis in many areas, especially in the economy and law. Abdullah Öcalan's countless calls for a democratic solution and a lasting peace were left unanswered. Preventing these calls from reaching millions, the government caused deep crises with its war policies. Abdullah Öcalan, who did not give up his insistence on peace despite all tendencies, still maintains the validity of his evaluations on peace in the past.   
In Abdullah Öcalan's lawyer meeting dated June 7, 1999, he stated: “Every war has peace. Those who do not know peace will make a mess of war. The best peace is more difficult than war. Understand the concepts of war and peace correctly. I may go to death tomorrow, but I will make a great effort for peace. War is the destruction of ugliness, peace is the creation of beauty. There is no zero level. Peace must be treated like an art. This is my advice.”
In another lawyer meeting on June 19 of the same year, Abdullah Öcalan said the following: “This is the utopia of the peace war. Understand my life in this way. I want to realize the utopia of peace. I am very serious about peace. It must not be understood as a tactic.”     
Abdullah Öcalan, who emphasized many times that life should focus on peace, said in the meeting dated June 29, 1999, “There is an incredible struggle for peace. Will a two-century-long fight with a very intense bloody conflict turn into peace, will it come to an end? The great peace effort is beginning, it is historic. We bear the brunt of war and peace. Every second that passes here is sacred and must be respected. No one has experienced the brutal war more than us. Is it understood that I will live for peace? The meaning of both war and peace is freedom; winning freedom for everyone. I hope everyone will have this understanding.” 
Emphasizing that he is fighting for peace, Abdullah Öcalan said the following in meeting dated December 2, 1999: “I am in a 24-hour war. I am fighting for peace. The war for peace is more difficult than the war outside. Peace is not only about embracing. It has terrible opponents. Our side, my side, was to contribute to the peace process.” 
In the December 6, 1999 meeting, Abdullah Öcalan pointed to the need for a new understanding of peace, “Either another conflict or a comprehensive peace process. Uncertainty is dangerous. If the peace work does not deepen, conflict will develop” he said.  
Abdullah Öcalan made many analyses on peace in his defenses written in İmralı Prison. 
Stating that he would consider the İmralı trial process as a search for and call for democratic peace, Abdullah Öcalan analyzed peace as follows: “The logic of ‘your right is as much as you fight’ has become a general method. This mentality, that those who seek rights must know how to fight, is the essence of the 'philosophy of war'. The glorification of this mentality in all schools of religion, philosophy and art has been carried forward to the point where the actions of a handful of usurpers are labeled 'the holiest action'. Heroism and holiness have become the title of this act of usurpation. Wars, which have been glorified in such a way and turned into the dominant understanding, have been considered as a means of solving all social problems. An understanding of morality has bound society, as if solutions other than war were not possible, and even if they were, they would not be considered acceptable. The result is that the most sacred means of solution is violence. Unless this understanding of history is overthrown, it is difficult to realistically evaluate social phenomena and seek solutions to problems without war. The fact that even the most peaceful ideologies cannot restrain themselves from war shows the power of this mentality. The fact that even the great religions and contemporary class and nation movements, which want perpetual peace, cannot stop themselves from fighting with the style of the warrior ruling clique is another proof of this fact.”
Pointing out that the peoples overcome chauvinism and impose democratization and peace, Abdullah Öcalan said: “There is a strong possibility that the period of unilateral will of capitalism that awaits us is over, and that the peoples overcome chauvinism and war-laden nationalism and impose democratization and peace, and meet with their cultural and local reality. It is also within this possibility that this is not carried out alone, but in partnership with the state-centered, but reduced structures of the dominant system based on principles... It is indisputable that democracy is the most effective tool in solving social problems, 'especially peace'. It derives its power from persuasion, not war, except in the case of very necessary legitimate defenses. By comparing what can be lost through war with what can be gained through persuasion, it can always develop solutions that are in the self-interest of the peoples. Courageous and realistic discussions illuminate problems. And the illuminated problems can be resolved with the widest participation of the parties and with deep-rooted compromises. No system can be as controversial as democracies and as successful in bringing the truth to the surface.” 
Abdullah Öcalan, who has devoted his life to the solution of the Kurdish issue and has focused on it especially during the İmralı process, pointed out that the Kurdish issue is complex and multifaceted. Stating that Kurds have deep problems with the state and social structure in all four parts, Abdullah Öcalan said: “They are not even allowed to enjoy their basic civil rights. Their political and economic rights are not even brought to the agenda. In history, it is always the unrealistic arguments of ideologies that create justifications for wars that prevent social peace. This constantly leads to counter-ideologies and counter-structures, keeping society in a state of tension and conflict. All developments in the world, the region, Turkey and Kurdistan impose peace and a democratic solution. The state, those in power and those dealing with the issue of war, and therefore peace, must prioritize making the concept of society competent and sufficient.” 
Referring to the extreme nationalist statist approach, Abdullah Öcalan stated the following: “If the same nationalist statist currents prevail in Kurdistan, not one but four Israel-Palestine will emerge. There are many conclusions we should draw from this. In addition, the consequences of today's conflicts in Chechnya, Karabakh, Kosovo, Cyprus, and the recent Armenian-Ottoman, Kurdish-Republican, Arab-Ottoman, Kurdish-Iraqi conflicts are also known. The most appropriate way to avoid new tragedies is to dare to solve the Kurdish issue with a consistent and sincere peace and democratization reform, without reducing it to the position of annihilation, denial, ashes and begging. The general formula for this is the generalization of the formula of 'state + democracy in Kurdistan' as a partnership of general security and public space, which we have analyzed in the Turkish case, throughout the Middle East. In concrete terms, it is 'democratization in the Middle East + the state's sensitivity to democracy = freedom for Kurdistan'. A free Kurdistan is more like a democratic Kurdistan.”
In 2003, Abdullah Öcalan announced the road map for lasting peace and democratic solution and called for September 1, World Peace Day to be the milestone of peace, reconciliation and solution. 
Öcalan's 10-point “Declaration of Reconciliation and Solution” of August 13, 2003 in the run-up to September 1, 2003 included the following:  
“* I propose a democratic framework as the first step towards reconciliation and a solution. On this basis, I also find the process of harmonization with the European Union important. I think that the democratic framework and other proposals I have put forward are also in line with the European Union process. On this basis;
a- Obstacles to freedom of thought and organization must be removed and all conditions for free politics must be created.
b- The law on political parties and elections must be reorganized according to democratic criteria. All conditions for free and independent elections must be created.
c- A democratic local government law must be enacted and democracy must be improved by increasing the powers of local governments.
* The Kurdish phenomenon must be accepted as a fundamental fact of democratization. Including the Kurdish element within the scope of democracy means that Kurds are accepted as an element in democratization.
* Apart from being contrary to the fundamental qualities of the Republic, Kurds' cultural rights must be recognized and they must be able to freely express their culture. This includes the right to TV, radio, books and education. There should be no limitations on this issue, as much cultural rights, TV, radio, press and education rights should be granted as much as the people want.
* The democratic and political rights of Kurds must be given legal and constitutional guarantees.
* Necessary initiatives should be taken to ensure the safe return to villages and necessary administrative, legal, economic and social measures should be taken.
* Rangership must be abolished by taking economic and social measures. Illegitimate forces and gangs that have nested within the state and have no legal basis must be abolished. There should be no security forces other than legitimate forces.
* In terms of creating an economic framework, new projects should be developed for the economy of the region with an effective planning and support within the framework of the Southeastern Anatolia Project (GAP) project, along with ensuring the return to villages.
* A Law on Social Peace and Democratic Participation should be enacted to ensure the participation of those in the mountains, in exile and in prison in the legal and democratic process.
* If reconciliation and dialogue do not develop, the use of the right to legitimate defense will be considered as part of the solution.
* The state must apologize to the Kurds for the wrong policies carried out so far.”
In the meeting dated December 13, 2006, Abdullah Öcalan stated that the concept of democratic nation should be spread in the Middle East: “This is the only way to find a solution in the Middle East. Without democratization, Middle Eastern countries will not be able to cope with the existing nation-state structures and the European states and the USA, the founders of the nation-state. My understanding of the Democratic Nation, which has been expressed by other philosophers, is the only way to solve the problems in Turkey in a peaceful and democratic way. Otherwise, problems cannot be solved with a dry, false nation-state logic as the MHP and CHP do.” 
Öcalan also made important evaluations on the peace process during the meetings held with him between 2013 and 2015 under the name of “solution”. In the first meeting with the İmralı delegation on January 3, 2013, Öcalan said, “I have been working for peace for 23 years.” In the meeting with the delegation on February 23, 2013, he described the process as “a historic transition to peace and democratic life.” 
Reminding that peace efforts started with Turgut Özal, Abdullah Öcalan said in the meeting dated July 21, 2013: “…We did not start the war against the AKP. We first fought against the Kurdish feudals and then against the state. Now we want to evolve the non-conflict towards peace with the representatives of the state. But AKP has not taken a step.” Abdullah Öcalan warned that if there is no real peace, a real war will start and said in the meeting dated February 27, 2015, “If AKP wants to become authoritarian, it will end itself. If the AKP is not genuine, this time the guerrilla will start a genuine war. If there is no agreement, no solution, no peace, if it imposes fascism, war starts” he warned. 
After the government ended the dialogue process by saying that it was “refrigerated”, the isolation against Abdullah Öcalan was deepened. Against this, a hunger strike led by Democratic Society Congress (DTK) Co-Chair Leyla Güven began in 2018. As a result of the strike, calls and efforts for a solution came to the fore in several meetings with Abdullah Öcalan in 2019. During this period, Abdullah Öcalan told his lawyers on İmralı Island: “I am trying to make room for the Kurds, let's solve the Kurdish issue. I say I can eliminate the possibility of conflict in a week. I can solve it, I trust myself, I am ready for a solution. However, the state and the state mind must do what is necessary.” 
At this point, there has been no news from Abdullah Öcalan and other prisoners for 42 months due to the increasingly aggravated isolation in İmralı. The deepening war against the Kurdish issue has made room for a new generation of nationalist and racist attacks, while war policies have also increased poverty. 
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