Murder of Narin Guran: Those who kept silent and protected are also guilty

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  • 10:38 12 September 2024
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AMED - Rosa Women's Association President Suzan İşbilen said that those who protected the perpetrators and kept silent against the incident are also guilty in the murder of Narin Güran. 

The body of 8-year-old Narin Güran, who went missing on August 21 in Amed (Diyarbakır), was found 19 days later in Eğertutmaz Creek, which had been searched twice before. 
Uncle Salim Güran, the mukhtar of the neighborhood, was arrested after the DNA samples of the child were found in his car and Nevzat Bahtiyar, who lives in the same village, confessed that “Salim gave me the sack containing Narin”. After the arrest of his uncle, Nevzat Bahtiyar, who said that he had hidden the body in a sack by the stream, was also arrested. 
While two people were arrested as part of the investigation, 24 people including Güran's mother Yüksel and father Arif Güran were detained. With the release of the neighborhood imam, the number of detainees decreased to 22. 
Since Güran's body was deformed, the cause of death will be determined after biological and pathological samples taken by the Forensic Medicine Institute (ATK) are analyzed. 
On the other hand, while the search for Güran continued, frequent visits to the family by several members of HUDA-PAR and the claim that many weapons were found in a house belonging to the family caused controversy. At the same time, AKP member Galip Ensarioğlu stated that he had 40 years of friendship with Narin Güran's family and said: “Sometimes there are things we don't know, sometimes there are things we know and should not say because the family are our friends.” 
While there are still many unanswered questions about the murder of Narin Güran, thousands of people in Amed marched on September 8 with the slogans “Murderer Hizbullah collaborator AKP” in light of these developments. 
We talked to Adalet Kaya, Amed MP of the Peoples' Equality and Democracy Party (DEM Party), and Suzan İşbilen, President of Rosa Women's Association, about the investigation process in the Narin Güran massacre. 
DEM Party Amed MP Adalet Kaya stated that everyone who kept silent in the murder of Narin Güran was complicit in this crime by turning a blind eye to the massacre and said: “Right now we are waiting for the investigation to become clearer and for the autopsy report to come out. Accordingly, we will take a stance towards the family and other neighborhood residents. In our understanding, there is no question of dealing with the perpetrator. Therefore, the main thing for us is to defend Narin's rights. Environments must be created for the development of a child protection policy so that no other child will ever go through such a thing again. The state must have a very strong child protection policy. In other words, the best interest of the child must be taken into consideration. These articles in international conventions, which Turkey has also signed, must be implemented.” 
On September 8, Kaya reminded that the slogan “jin, jiyan, azadî (woman, life, freedom)” was targeted after the march in Amed with the slogan “Justice for Narin” and responded to the criticisms made by some circles saying “You are politicizing the death of children” by saying “Murders of women and children are political”. 
Kaya said: “The main motivation for the rising violence in society today is the political understanding, mentality and discourse of this government. It stems from thousands of years of male-dominated society. We are fighting against this. Therefore, the party we are fighting against is not AKP, MHP or HUDA-PAR. We are fighting against everyone who wants to rot society with a fascist, racist, sexist and religious understanding.” 
Kaya stated that the government wants to create a model of society that is completely dominated and stripped of art, sports and cultural values, and that women strive for the liberation of society and the construction of a democratic nation model with the philosophy of 'Jin, jiyan, azadî'. 
Rosa Women's Association President Suzan İşbilen said that everyone who hid Narin's funeral and kept silent is as guilty as Narin's murderer and should be punished, “The problem is the intense effort to obscure the evidence. This is what should be criticized, what should be on the agenda. Why are they trying to protect the pack of murderers? The government should have gone after those murderers quickly” she said.  
Stating that the AKP government sees everyone who is not part of it as an enemy, İşbilen said: “Women are at the forefront of this enmity. Women are subjected to violence and persecution due to the policies of the AKP government. Because the policy of impunity against the mentality that commits violence against women, murders women and imprisons women at home is a situation brought by this government as a whole. The mentality of those who murdered Narin is the mentality of ISIS.”

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