DEM Party Spokesperson says Mr. Ocalan is ready, but is the state ready?

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  • 16:26 24 October 2024
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ANKARA- Drawing attention to PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan's statement, DEM Party Spokesperson Ayşegül Doğan said: “Democratic politics is ready, Mr. Öcalan is ready, but is the state ready to create these conditions, to eliminate the isolation, to create the legal and political grounds for the democratic solution of the Kurdish issue? It is the turn of those who make and support this call.” 
Spokesperson of the Peoples' Equality and Democracy Party (DEM Party) Ayşegül Doğan held a press conference at her party's headquarters regarding current developments.
Pointing to the attack on TASUŞ, Doğan drew attention to the statement made by the DEM Party Central Executive Committee (MYK) regarding the attack. Stating that they found the timing of the statement meaningful, “We must protect peace more than ever” Doğan said and also reminded the MYK’s statement on Turkey's airstrikes on northern and eastern Syria: “We call on all parties to adopt dialogue and peaceful solutions.”
Doğan continued her statements as follows: “In this environment where a solution is being discussed and an environment of dialogue is emerging, everyone, but everyone, from the government to the opposition, from the social opposition to the political opposition, everyone who is a citizen in Turkey faces a serious responsibility. We are sharing all developments with you with great care and in an extremely meticulous manner. Statements, comments or evaluations made outside of this, by attributing them to us or the DEM Party, are not binding for our party. We have been passing through these roads for years with heavy loss of life and economic costs. It is possible to stop this. It is possible to reverse it. It is possible to open a new path. 
As DEM Party, we reiterate our call again. Let's open this new path together. The Kurdish issue, which has been ignored, denied and ignored for years, and which has been treated as a security problem and thought to be solved with tactics and collapse plans, stands before us as a problem of humanity. It has become one of Turkey's most important agendas in recent days.
Again, it has been discussed for days, especially after our recent statements, as if we are saying it for the first time, as if it is the first time it has come to the agenda of the DEM Party and the DEM Party voters or the public opinion in Turkey after October 1, let us as the DEM Party respond once again to those who are looking for an answer to the question of why Öcalan. Why Öcalan? Because we are talking about someone who has dedicated his life to the democratic solution of the Kurdish issue. For 25 years he has been held in an island prison. For 44 months he has been kept under absolute isolation, that is, in absolute incommunication. Millions say he is the will of millions. In other words, we are talking about a leader whom millions call their will.
Moreover, this support is not limited to Turkey and the Kurds. We are talking about a support that transcends geographies and borders. We are talking about an actor who is not only the main interlocutor for the solution of the Kurdish issue, but also an actor who will make serious contributions to the solution of the country's serious problems and to the peace in the Middle East, which is in a ring of fire. Since isolation is imposed and talks are not taking place, these serious problems are getting worse and worse day by day. We are talking about someone who has pioneering ideas and projects for all these problems. Turkey saw this at a time when it wanted to make use of it.
The role that Mr. Öcalan, who has been seeking a real and lasting peace since the 90s, will play in the democratic solution of the Kurdish issue, the initiative he will take and the responsibility he will assume are of vital importance. We did not express this for the first time after the handshake on October 1. This is not an issue we have put on our agenda since the October 1 developments and discussions. You journalists know this best from the field. You, dear DEM Party volunteers in front of the screens, also know this. You know it by living it personally and paying the price. We have walked these paths together, we have come to this stage together.”
Drawing attention to the information shared by Ömer Öcalan of the DEM Party, who met with PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan, Doğan continued as follows: “This message, which seems like 3 lines and 3 sentences, contains many messages in itself. First of all, he himself states that the isolation continues. Secondly, he says that if conditions are created he has the theoretical and practical power to move this process from the ground of conflict and violence to a legal and political ground. İmralı is ready, Mr. Öcalan is ready. But is the state ready? As DEM Party, we ask here: Democratic politics is ready, Mr. Öcalan is ready, is the state ready to create these conditions, to eliminate the isolation, to create the legal and political ground for the democratic solution of the Kurdish issue? It is the turn of those who made this call and those who support it. Once the word has been spoken, it is time to put it into practice. A word that cannot be postponed or delayed has been spoken. We know, see and hear that the word spoken is critical and important. But we are also calling again as part of our historical responsibility to fulfill its requirements.
The solution of the Kurdish issue requires a serious approach. It requires drawing lessons from past experiences. That is why he is seeing and experiencing the harsh conditions of isolation, which Mr. Öcalan has emphasized in his message. We are also following some speculative news about his health condition. We would like to share this openly with the public in accordance with our historical responsibility. Mr. Öcalan is in good health. The speculations on this issue are completely deliberate. In his message, he has also conveyed to us, and we are conveying to you, that he greets everyone without discrimination, everyone who asks for him, who expects steps to be taken in the Kurdish issue and in the democratization of Turkey, who demands peace, who experiences how valuable it is to create an atmosphere of democratization and who is ready to assume duty and responsibility for this. 
We underlined this in our last statement and let's say it once again; if you want to build peace, especially if you want to build a historical and lasting, honorable and just peace; if you want to open a democratic solution channel, a genuine negotiation and dialogue channel, we know that this is much more difficult than fighting. That is why we approach these developments and statements with great care. We say it again; our party is as ready today as it was yesterday to take responsibility, to take a role and to develop initiatives within the framework of a democratic solution. As DEM Party, we were here yesterday, we are here today and we will be here for this tomorrow. This issue is quite clear for us. 
Let's come back to the issue of actors... We have shared Mr. Öcalan's interlocutor status with you. We want it to be known that there is no actor within or outside the DEM Party that can confront each other for the democratic solution of the Kurdish issue, for the democratization of Turkey and for the emergence of a lasting peace. No one should aspire for this. All actors in Kurdish politics are ready to approach with the same responsibility in a democratic solution process that can be developed under the interlocutor of Mr. Öcalan, on the legal and political grounds that can be created, as he has stated.  They are ready to show this responsibility.
No one should get up and whet the appetite as if there are actors in Kurdish politics who can confront each other. Because all attempts in this regard from the past to the present have come to naught. Therefore, there is no need to waste energy and time on this. I repeat; as DEM Party we say that Mr. Ocalan is ready. He has given his message. Democratic politics is also ready.  Then it is the turn of those who make this call and those who support this call. As the war is growing in the Middle East, there is no other option but to solve the Kurdish issue through dialog and democratic negotiation.”

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