ANKARA- Attorney Alişan Şahin who says the prisoners in Kayseri Bünyan type T prison are forced to be in handcuffs while they are examined by doctors, indicated that the prison warden only saw the prisoners twice and insulted and threatened them when he excepted to see them.
Alişan Şahin who saw his clients Naime encü and Sinem Oğuz in Kayseri Bünyan type T Prison, informed about the violation of rights in the prison. Şahin stating that there are 37 women prisoners in Bünyan Prison emphasized that a quota system for clothing is enforced ;”The clothes that have been sent, aren’t given to the prisoners, they are put in the prison storage. This quota will be a huge problem for prisoners in the winter.”
Şahin who states, there is a book quota besides the clothing quota says the prisoners are also examined by the doctors with handcuffs on. Despite the prisoners have been referred to the hospital, the prison administration does their examination in the prison infirmary and with handcuffs on. Şahin added, because the prisoners does not except this enforcement, they are not being treated.
Şahin pointed out that his clients’ tanks are being searched thoroughly every 15 days messing the place up, and the sound of the announce system is too loud. Şahin also indicated that when the guards went to the women’s ward to take the trash out, they sing nationalist marches to disturb them.
The prisoners who are trying to cut back from the envelope usage, are sending 4-5 letters in one envelope to other prisoners and the prison administration enforces one letter for each envelope. When they demand to see the warden to air their grievances , the warden doesn’t except to see them.
Şahin stating, that the women prisoners demand to see the warden have only been excepted twice in the last 2 months, and when they were able to see the warden, the warden didn’t let them speak, shouted, insulted and threatened them.
Şahin saying that those violations of rights are not accaptable and that they will take judicial action for all of them.