ANKARA- A new police operation has been launched in Ankara, this time targeting People's Houses executives.
Ankara woke up with another operation today, this time targeting People's Houses executives.
The headquarters of People's Houses and various branches were raided in the morning. Eryaman, Keçiören, Tuzluçayır, Mutlu and İlker branch executives had their houses reaided as well.
After the search, 4 branch directors were detained. People's Houses (Halkevleri) said in a statement about the operation: "The reason for this investigation is the opposition represented by the People's Houses. The reason for this operation is the bill of the economical crisis once again being loaded on the people's shoulders and that we are objecting it. The one's who are not answering for the powerty of the people and be offended by our objections, will be uncomfortable by us at all times. You can not silence People's Houses.