İSTANBUL- In the investigation started by Nusaybin Chief Public Prosecutor's Office on complaints of the citizens that got taken under custody after the curfew , the images that requested from the autorities turned out to be erased.
70 people 17 of them being children got arrested after being released during the curfew on May 26, 2016in Mardin, Nusaybin. The detainees told that they were subjected to torture under custody to their families, lawyers and to the court that tried them. Upon their complaints, Nusaybin Chief Public Prosecutor's Office had started an investigation.
In the investigation that has been going on for 2 years, the confidentiality order has been lifted after the prosecutor changed. There is nothing but a few request made by the lawyers and a forensic report. When the lawyers got the latest inquisition file, scandal came to the light.
Nusaybin Chief Public Prosecutor's Office Preperation Office requested the images of the jail the 12 children stayed under custody in June 21, 2016 from the Nusaybin police headquarters .The desk of the police station that handles childrens cases told the prosecution's office that the images were erased because the memory was full.
Later it turned out that not only the jail cell images that the children were staying was erased but also the images of every detainee were erased that were in custody at the police station on June 26, 2016.