DİYARBAKIR- Arrested journalist Kibriye Evren whose door was busted open and was taken under custody beaten said the journalists are first in line they want to silence with oppression and with the threats of arrest.
Kibriye Evren who got arresten within the context of 2 investigations run by Diyarbakır Chief Prosecutor's Office was sent to Diyarbakır Type E Prison.
Evren narrating what she went through said : " On the night of October 9 at 01.00 special forces broke down my door, layed me on the ground battering and insulting us.I was subjected to a strip search by a woman police in my room where they did not let any witnesses . They scattared all our private properties in front of male witnesses."
Evren said she got arrested due to the photographs she was taken with her sources, social media shares and anonymous witnesses.
Evren stating that the real reason she got arrested was doing journalism and added: " Current sulership declares everyone the are opposed with a terorist and tries to shut them down. Or arrest them and bury the facts. Current rulership which is first rank 1 at journalist arrests in the world wants to arrest the journalist and threaten the one's left outside into not doing journalism."
Evren: " With all these arrest and the oppression journalists wants to be shut down first."