İSTANBUL- The lawyers of PKK leader Öcalan have applied to the Bursa Chief Prosecutor's office for the 770th time to see their client.
The lawyers of PKK leader Öcalan who is being kept at İmralı Supermex prison Cengiz Çiçek, Faik Özgür Erol ve Abdülmecit Yıldırım have applied to the Bursa Chief Prosecutor's office early in the morning for the 770th time to see their client.
On the other hand the application made by the attorneys Cengiz Yürekli, Mazlum Dinç ve Raziye Turgut on tuesday was denied due to disciplinary penalty.
The applications the lawyers made have been rejected for reasons such as "adverse weather conditions", "Coaster is broken" , "state of emergency" and at last "disciplinary penalty since July 27, 2011