DİYARBAKIR- HDP Diyarbakır Provincial Co-chair Filiz responded to Recep Tayyip Erdoğan who said that it would not be allowed to hang posters and flags everywhere with the aim of conducting an election campaign respectful to the environment and people by saying 'If he wants to stop the noise and visual pollution, he needs to start with himself.'
Erdoğan's words about not polluting the environment during election campains brought the posters of himself hung in the streets since 16 April 2017 elections into question.
HDP Provincial organization applied to district election board for the removal of the posters before June 24 elections in Diyarbakır. Even though the district election board decided for their removal, Erdoğan did not remove the posters.
HDP Diyarbakır Provincial Co-chair Filiz Buluttekin made a statement on the subject saying: " If he wants to stop the noise and visual pollution, he needs to start with himself.'
Buluttekin drawing attention the the fact that despite the supreme electoral council decision, Erdoğan posters are still hung in the streets, said they must be removed immediately. Buluttekin said: "Even though the posters are hung because he is the president, he still is the president of a political party therefore this shows the elections are not held equally for other parties."
Buluttekin, YSK’nin kararına rağmen kentte halen asılı bulunan Erdoğan posterlerinin görüntü kirliliği yarattığına dikkat çekerek, ilk olarak bunların kaldırılması gerektiğini söyledi. ‘Cumhurbaşkanı’ sıfatıyla posterleri asılsa da, Erdoğan’ın aynı zamanda AKP Genel Başkanı olduğunu vurgulayan Buluttekin, durumun seçimlerin eşit şartlarda gerçekleştirilmediğinin somut göstergesi olduğunu ifade etti.