İSTANBUL- In order to support the hunger strike action launched by Leyla Güven against İmralı isolation, the second group took over the 10 day hunger stike in Silivri No. 5 Type I Prison.
Democratic Society Congress (DTK) Co-chair and People's Democratic Party (HDP) Hakkari Parliamentarian Leyla Güven is in the 33th day of her hunger strike she has been doing in Diyarbakır Type E Prison. With the end of the first 10 days, a second group of PKK members took over the hunger strike to last for 10 days in Silivri No. 5 Type I Prison.
According to the information the attorneys gave, the prison administration started sudden ward raids while the prisoners were made to go to the visitation without their shoes on and in a military order. The administration also started not to deliver the items the families of the prisoners brought.