ANKARA- England Bar Member 87 year old human's rights activist Margaret Owen said she will start a hunger strike to support Leyla Güven who has been in a hunger strike for 37 days to protest the isolation imposed on PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan.
Owen who commented about the hunger strike Leyla Güven have started said: "I have been visiting Turkey about 15 years now.I came here to stand against the isolation imposed on Abdullah Öcalan, I have come here to watch the theater called the KCK operations, I have come here to attend the hearings of the HDP Parliamentarians who are unlawfully judged. I have been to many places to observe since I am a human's rights defender. But I have never seen anywhere that have a judiciary as partial as Turkey. I have never seen a country more anti-democratic than Turkey.The times Turkey is going through is really hard for the people of Turkey. Turkey is not only at the dark side of the moon, but it is in the deepest of the darkness.
Owen who said She'd come tu Turkey to observe many other hearings, said about the judiciary system in Turkey: " We know that the court delegations are committed to the government and they decide in the context of the government. They are not impartial. We see that clearly. Everyone needs a fair trial.These cases are open to general public and everyone who wants to follow these cases, can. This is unaccaptable. Thousands of people, women, children are in jail just because they were critical against the government. The indictments are artificial. They are full of lies they are fictions."
Birçok defa Türkiye’deki duruşmaları izlediğini söyleyen Owen, Türk yargısına ilişkin ise şunları söyledi: “Biliyoruz ki mahkeme heyetleri hükümete bağlılar ve hükümetin dediği çerçevede karar veriyorlar. Tarafsız değiller. Bunu çok iyi görüyoruz. Herkesin adil bir yargılanmaya ihtiyacı var. Ki bu da kamuya açık davalardır ve herkesin izlemesi gereken davalardır. Tabi kabul edilemez bir durumdur. Türkiye’de binlerce insan, kadını ile çocuğu ile aydını ile milletvekili ile sadece hükümeti eleştirdiği için cezaevinde. Serbest bırakılana kadar da bu insanlar adil yargılamadan yoksun kalıyorlar. Tabi ki iddianamelerde bu anlamda yapay iddianameler. Yani kurgular ve yalanlarla dolu iddianameler.”
Owen said about the hunger strike of Leyla Güven: " A constructive and permanent peace must be secured. And to do that, Öcalan must be released. Leyla Güven is 54 years old. I am 87. I will start a hunger strike for 10 days after christmas to support Leyla Güven. I am 87 I may die. But I am really worried about Leyla, and I will pray everyday for her and wish she won't have to start a death fast."