NEWS DESK- Mısra Öz, who lost her 9 year old son in the train accident said about the train crash in Ankara: " It's been 5 months since the Train massacre occured! The negligence is right in front of our face, the responsible parties are right in front of our face, noone was accused or tried. It is the same pain today. Get up from that seat!"
Mısra Öz who lost his 9 year old son Oğuz Arda Sel and husband in the train accident in Tekirdağ, Çorlu on July 8, reacted to the Ankara Train crash from her twitter account.
Öz said: "Don't say rest in peace to those who die anymore! We have been beating ourselves up saying "Don't let anyone else perish"! Close those foundation you are not able to manage. Resign! Don't use those trains! They can not manage theö. Who is the guilty party now?"
Öz, tagged the Chairman of the Executive Board of Turkish State Railways and said: "I am in agony. I am adding one more mother's pain in my heart everyone someone's child dies and I weep with them.It's been 5 months since the Train massacre occured! The negligence is right in front of our face, the responsible parties are right in front of our face, noone was accused or tried. It is the same pain today. Get up from that seat!"