İSTANBUL- Assoc. Dr. Melda Yaman who stated that the expression that there is no crisis is not reflecting the reality, said: ”In crisis situations, women are expected to be emotional supporters of the household, to listen to problems and to forget about their own problems“. Yaman stated that the only way to fight against the crisis is to fight the male dominance.
In Turkey where the slump deepens day by day, women are the first to be effected by the slump. Assoc. Dr. Melda Yaman, pointed out the impact of the crisis on women.
Yaman who said that the slump effects women than anyone else, added: "Just as the capital is exploiting women's labor and the female labor with the means of patriarchal inequalities, the crisis creates specific difficulties for women. Because, like capitalism, the crisis, which is the main focus of capitalism, moves on the patriarchal ground. Masculine control over women's labor and body determines the challenges awaiting women in crisis conditions."
Yaman, stating that while the male are engaging in paid employement, women are forced to be responsible from the household, the children, the elderly and the sick, said: " As a result of this, while the capital reshapes the employement on women's labour, the power of labour and the reproduction of the society is being shaped on the unpaid labour of women."