ADANA- HDP Adana Parliamentarian Tülay Hatimoğulları, asked about the allegations of the unanesthetized operation of Cemil İvrendi to the Minister of Justice Adbulhamit Gül.
*Why was the request of the plea for a stay of execution of Cemil İvrendi was rejected even though he is seriously ill?
*Was the allegations true that Cemil İvrendi was operated without any anaesthesia on May 2018?
*Does your ministry have any work plans to arrange the treatment processed of the sick prisoners?
* Are there any other complaints from Tarsus Type T Prison?
* 402 of the 1154 sick prisoners are in critical condition.There is a law for the prisoners who are not able to be treated inside the prison, must be referred to a hospital for treatment. This law is not being practiced. According to the information given by former Minister of Justice Bekir Bozdağ 2300 sick prisoners died in the last 8 years under state protection. Does your ministery doing any work to prevent these deaths?