İSTANBUL- Diyarbakır former Metropolitan Municipality Mayor Gültan Kışanak whom a trustee was appointed instead, started her hunger strike for 10 days, said: " In order to hear the voice of common sense, peace and dialogue, the isolation in İmralı must be terminated. We can not stay silent in the face of war, death and cruelty."
Support for Democratic Society Congress (DTK) Co-chair and People'S Democratic Party (HDP) Hakkari Parliamentarian Leyla Güven's hunger strike is expanding. While hunger strikes continue in many prisons, Diyarbakır former Metropolitan Municipality Mayor Gültan Kışanak who was arrested in October 2018 and a trustee was appointed instead of her starts a 10 day hunger strike starting today. Gültan Kışanak made a statement announcing her hunger strike:
"I am starting a rotating hunger strike today to protest the isolation on Öcalan. I want to express that we all have a responsibility to break the isolation of Öcalan and to support Leyla Güven. Solid isolation in İmralı is a violation of the fundamental human rights as well as a severe violation of the law that no state would claim to be a democratic state of law.In addition, Mr. Öcalan's role in social peace has been experienced in past processes. Therefore, the end of isolation will be the beginning of a new process tha t can pave the way for social peace. I invite all democratic public opinion to understand and support the actions of hunger strike that is calling for social conscience. We need voice of peace before the 3rd World War staged by imperialism pulls Turkey into a deeper swirl. In order to hear the voice of common sense, peace and dialogue, the isolation in Imrali should end soon.We cannot be silent to the sound of war, death, oppression shouting peace out. I believe we can achieve this."