DİYARBAKIR- HDP Diyarbakır Parliamentarian Dersim Dağ who said the responce of the ministry to their parliamentary question does not reflect the truth, said 'There are 70 thousand students in prisons alone.' The Ministry responce to the parliamentary question was that there are only 451 students, who got kicked off from the state dormitories or allowences cut because they attended protests.
People's Democratic Party (HDP) Diyarbakır Parliamentarian Dersim Dağ who brought the parliamentary question regarding the problems of the students with the Credit and Dormitories Agency, ciritisized the answers Minister of Youth and Sports Mehmet Muharrem Kasapoğlu have given.
Dağ, reminding the ministry of the fact that they have to respond to the parliamentary questions in 15 days, said only 2 of the parliamentary questions given by HDP was responded, and that AKP has a policy of not responding the questions asked by HDP.
Dağ, who underlined that non of the answers the minisry have given to her parliamentary question is substantial , said the number of students (451) they say to have lost their allowances in the last 5 years, is not reflecting the truth.
Dağ said: " Lately, with the increasing oppression many students who participated in protests have kicked out of state dorms or their allowences were cut. Even if the number was 451 like you said, that is not normal as well. Students are being deprived of their rights as citizens for attending democratic and legel protests."
According to Dağ, what is happening is a reflection of the intimidation policies. The purpose is to make the students obeying the government.
Dağ, who drew attention to the fact that currently there are 70 thousand students in prisons, said: " Most of those students used to stay at state dorms and get allowences.Even if a thousand of them were staying in the state dorms and getting allowences, the number the ministry have given is not truthful anyway."