ISTANBUL - Former CHP Deputy Baris Yarkadas was given a 10-month prison sentence on the complaint of Minister of Environment and Urban Planning Erdogan Bayraktar
The final hearing of the case opened on the complaint of Minister of Environment and Urban Planning Erdogan Bayraktar about former Deputy of the Republican People's Party (CHP) Barış Yarkadaş was held in Istanbul 68th Criminal Court of First Instance.
Barış Yarkadaş and Bayraktar's attorney Ayşe Ezgi Azman Akgün attended the case about the violation of privacy.
The judge, who passed his sentence, sentenced Yarkadaş to 1 year in prison for "violating confidentiality. Yarkadaş's penalty was reduced to 10 months with a "good conduct time. The sentence was postponed for 5 years.
“Özel hayatın gizliliğini ihlal” iddiasıyla açılan davanın duruşmasına Yarkadaş ve Bayraktar'ın avukatı Ayşe Ezgi Azman Akgün katıldı.