NEWS DESK- Journalist Sabiha Temizkan, daughter of DTK Co-chair Leyla Güven who is on a hunger strike for 100 days today, responded to the questions like 'Are you afriad something might happen to your mother?' by saying: 'My mother will live and we will speak only of courage'.
The hunger strike Democratic Society Congress (DTK) Co-chair and People's Democratic Party (HDP) Hakkari Deputy Leyla Güven is on its 100th day.Leyla Güven who is on a hunger strike protesting the isolation imposed on PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan was taken to the hospital the other day due to her detoriorating health, but refused treatment.
While HDP Deputies who started a march from 15 different cities to Güven's address to support Güven, the police blockage to stop the deputies continues.
Güven's journalist daughter Sahiba Temizkan made 2 very moving social media shares while HDP Deputies are expected to make a statement 500 meters to Güven's home.
Sabiha Temizkan's twitter shares are as follows:
"Who knows how much pain you had to endure when you gave birth to me. You were only a 17 year old child. As I grew up, we faced many griefs. You revolted. Because while you wrap me in cotton wools, you could not just let other children ran over by water cannons."
"Now everybody is asking me 'Are you afraid something might happen to your mother?' My mother did not risk her life to make me scared, she risked her life so that no one ever will be scared again. My mother will live and we speak only of courage.. With hope #LeylaGüven100Gün "