ANTEP- AKP President Tayyip Erdoğan blamed the commission merchants whom he sees responsible for the high prices of the vegetables as 'usurers'. Antep Vegetables and Fruits Commission Merchants Association President Hayri Sucu whom he said they do not accept, said: "The government says 'You will undersell.' How can I undersell what I pay a premium for?"
As a solution to the ever-increasing price of vegetables and fruits, the sale points of the AKP municipalities were established in Istanbul, Ankara and Bursa by the orders of AKP President Tayyip Erdoğan. Erdoğan blamed the merhants whom he sees responsible for the high prices as usurers and thieves.
The response of commission merchants exposed to this accusation is that the price increase in the market is not due to them, but because of the government's wrong agriculture policy.
Hayri Sucu, President of Antep Fruits and Fruit Commission Merchants Association, stated that it is meaningless for the government to impose all the blame on commissioners.
Sucu who stated that it is not the commission merchants who increases the prices, said they are trying to make do with fractional profits.
Sucu who stated that they can not sell the products they purchased from the suppliers, said: "The government is trying to create a perception that we are earning a fifty fifty profit. The government should come and see the marketplace. The supermarkets are also innocent. They can not sell the products they purchased as well.The expenditure is too high. We condemn the president for calling us usurers and thieves.