MARDİN- Abdi Aykut and the other siz peasants who was arrested and tortured during the curfew declared at Nusaybin,Xerabê Bava was acquitted in the case they were being tried. The peasants Minister of Interrior Süleyman Soylu accused of being 'hosts to terrorists' was ordered to pay compensation as a result of the lawsuit.
37 citizens and 2 children was taken under custody during the curfew declared in Nusaybin, Kuruköy (Xerabê Bava). It turned out the citizens were tortured under custody when Abdi Aykut's photographs reflected in the press.
After the photographs were revealed, the subject was brought to the parliament and Minister of Interrior Süleyman Soylu defended the torture by saying: 'There is nothing being done outside the limits of a state of law. That old man were hosting terrorists.'
An indictment was prepared for the 7 citizens on Soylu's accusation with the charge of 'Aiding an illegal organization'. The 7 peasents stood trial for the first time in August 17, 2017 and was acquitted of the charge.
The 7 peasants applied the court for false imprisonment after the verdict and filed a claim for compensatiton. The court who found the peasants right, ordered compensatition for the peasants.