İSTANBUL- 12 prisoners have recieved a penalty of a 12 day solitary confinement in Kars No 1 Type T Closed Prison for a snowman. The commision who considered the snowman who has his left arm up making a victory sign an evidence of being a member of an illegal organization, said: "This is the sign the terrorists make in the actions in our country."
The prisoners in Kars Type T No 1 Closed Prison have made a snowman in the prison yard. The guards who came to shut the door closed at night saw the snowman and reported it to the investigation commitee, who took the photos of the snowman and started a disciplinary investigation about the 12 prisoners.
Prison Disciplinary Committee have gathered on January 22 and recorded the snowman as an evidence of being a member of an illegal organization. The decision given by the committee included the sentence: " The subject of the event is not a snowman, it is especially the left hand of the snowman. This victory sign is made by the terrorist organizations in our country."
The 12 prisoners were charged with "To hang and display all kinds of publications, cloth banners, banners, paintings, symbols, signs and similar articles belonging to terror organizations in any place of institutions" and was given a 12 day solitary confinement punishment.