ANKARA- The police intervened to the group including the attorneys and humans' rights defenders who wanted to held a press release with pepper sprey and rubber bullets.
A group consisting of Human Rights Association (IHD), the Human Rights Foundation of Turkey (TIHV), Lawyers for Freedom Platfom (ÖHP) Progressive Lawyers' Association (ÇHD) wanted to hold a press release in front of YKM in Kızılay.
The group was going to present the Ministry of Justice with the report they prepared after the press release.
The police who prevented the grpoup from making a statement, demanded the group to disperse. The police intervened to the group with pepper spray and rubber bullets when they insisted on making the statement.
People's Democratic Congress (HDK) CO-spokesperson Fatma Kılıçarslan was taken to the hospital due to a blow to the head. Kılıçarslan was şater taken under custody.
The police who subjected the lawyers, took Kenan Maçoğlu, Veysi Eksi, Ahmet Baran and Bulent Aşa into custody.
The group made a press release in Humans' Rights Association Headquarters.