MERSİN - An investigation was launched for the 13 ÖHD member lawyers that have done a sit in in front of Mersin Courthouse. Prosecution office contacted Counter- terrorism Unit to investigate the lawyers being a member to an illegal organization.
The sit in held by Lawyers for Freedom (ÖHD) members in front of the Mersin Courthouse on April 9 to draw attention to the hunger strikes,have become a subject for investigation for Mersin Chief Prosecutors Office.
Prosecutions office have launched an investigation about the lawyers Mehmet Altuntaş, Emrullah Şam, Mehdi Zana Akkaya, İbrahim Cinbaş, Selçuk Binici, Hoşyar Sarıyıldız, Özgür Çağlar, Ali Bozan, Filiz Soylu Bozan, Sebahat Gençtarih, Çiğdem Altuntaş Bayhan, Halil Güngör and Rıza Oğuz hakkında with the charges 2911 Opposition to the law on meetings and demonstrations and Preventing the activities of public institutions or public institutions.