İSTANBUL - Voters talkin about the İstanbul elections, drawing attention to the signposts being taken down in Bitlis,stated that the government is not sincere about the Kurdish and said that this will reflect on the elections polls.
Although the CHP candidate Ekrem İmamoğlu won in the 31st of March local elections in Istanbul, the AKP canceled the election by means of the Supreme Election Board (YSK) and decided to renew it on 23 June. Kurdish voters will continue to vote in favor of Imamoglu on 31 March.
Faik Elmas who drew attention to the importance of the elections recalled that the objections were not accepted in many other cities. Elmas said the elections are being renewed in İstanbul because the 'one man' did not accept they have lost. Elmas said: "March 31 elections unsettled the one man rule. It was so important that Binali Yıldırım went to the Kurdish cities and started talking about the deputies of 'Kurdistan'. Those who said the solution process is over, are now talking about Kurdistan while they take down the signposts written in Kurdish. This is hypocracy.
Elmas who stated that the fact that the signposts are being taken down hurts them, called on to his fellow countrymen and said: "The municipalities that can not stand Kurdish and take down the signposts, how can they support the government in the same mentality with them? How can they vote for them? İstanbul is a big city. There are signposts written in Arabic, English and many other languages. There is not a single signpost in Kurdish. Our municipality had one and they removed it too. This is unaccaptable.The reaction of the people of Bitlis will be strong and they most certainly will take this into consideration."