İSTANBUL - In the hearing of the Mehmet Ayvalıtaş case who was ran over by a car during a protest, the prosecutor wanted the acquittal of the defendants claiming there was no evidence.
Defendants Mehmet Görkem Demirbaş, Cengiz Aktaş and their attorneys was present at the 23rd hearing of Mehmet Ayvalıtaş case which was held in İstanbul Anadolu 8th High Criminal Court.
The presiding judge said the forth expert report was delivered to the case file.The report said that Mehmet Ayvalıtaş and Seyit Kartal who got injured in the accident was found wanting and the drivers Mehmet Görkem Demirbaş and Cengiz Aktaş was faultless.
Prosecutor who presented his opinion said there was no evidence of the defendants committed the crime of manslaughter and demanded their acquittal.
The hearing was postponed to a future date.