ANKARA - Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) Youth Assembly protested the wave of detentions against HDP Youth members and called to build the joint struggle for the youth.
The HDP Youth Assembly protested the wave of detentions against its members. The Youth Assembly issued a written statement and said, “As the HDP Youth Assemblies, we have been subjected to detentions, abductions and attempts to turn members into spies since the day we first organized, in a bid to intimidate and suppress us. With each oppressive policy, the HDP Youth Assemblies have clarified their organizational system and their stance against fascism.”
The Youth Assembly said the wave of detentions against Adana HDP Youth Assembly members that started on Monday is the latest example in this: “We know this fascistic attack where 23 of our friends were detained with the doors of their homes destroyed in the middle of the night from Gezi, from Sur and from Cizre.”
The statement continued:
“These systemic fascistic attacks against the youth and all opposition groups will not yield results, like they didn’t in the past.
The democratic youth struggle has a strong ideological and historical basis that cannot be pushed back with these policies of detentions, arrests and various special war policies. Our roots go to the deeps of ‘68, to the gallows, to Deniz, to the Amed dungeons and to Mazlum. These fascist policies will not bend our knees, on the contrary, they will be a fundamental reason to increase our struggle. On this basis, we call on all of youth to weave together the united youth fight against fascism and to organize under the HDP Youth Assemblies.”