ANKARA - Etkin News Agency employees were released after remaining in custody for 4 days. They were banned from going abroad
Etkin News Agency (ETHA) employees were released after being banned from leaving the country. They vowed to continue their job to inform people.
On 15 June 2019, the police raided the office of the ETHA agency and Atılım Newspaper in Aksaray (Istanbul) following the confiscation order hitting the weekly Atılım Newspaper.
At the time of the raid seven journalists and workers were taken into custody: Isminaz Temel, Deniz Bakır, Serdal Işık, Havva Cuştan and Ozan Sarı, Mehmet Acettin and Gülçin Aykul.
The seven journalists who were held at the Security Branch of Istanbul Security Directorate for four days were released after appearing at Çağlayan Courthouse.
On their release the journalists were met by colleagues chanting "Free press cannot be silenced".