VAN - Erciş Chief Prosecutor's Office launched an investigation on the denunciation of the attorneys of 3 citizens who were taken under custody and tortured in Erciş, Van. The prosecutor's office who send a note to the Erciş Gendermerie Command ,demaneded the information to be sent ASAP because they might be shelved.
On April 5, 2019, Recep Önal, Mekan Beder and Akan Bozdağ was taken under custody by the police approaching them, claiming that they were taking pictures of the area owned by special forces. They were brought to the Special Forces Center yard. The 3 citizens who were stripped and tortured was waterboarded there. The 3 citizens who took a medical report proving the torture, filed a criminal complaint about the police who tortured them and about the doctors of Erciş State Hospital, who initially did not give them a medical report
In the note sent to the district gendarmerie command, the fact that it was written 'Urgent due to the possibility that this document might be shelved. It was directed to your department because the suspects are police officers' drew attention.