ANKARA - DTK Co-chair and Hakkari MP Leyla Güven asked the Minister of Justice and the Minister of Health about the rights violations in the treatment of prisoners who went on hunger strike in prison.
Democratic Society Congress (DTK) Co-chair and HDP Hakkari Deputy Leyla Güven tabled two parliamentary questions for Justice Minister Abdulhamit Gul and Health Minister Fahrettin Koca to answer about the violations experienced in the treatment of prisoners.
Questions of Güven is as follows:
" Have your ministry had any work done about the process after the hunger strikes? If you have, what have you done and will you share these works with the public?
* Is your Ministry aware of the alleged arbitrary and dangerous attitudes of prisons and hospital administrations regarding prisoners on hunger strike?
* How many criminal complaints have been filed adrressed to your Ministry about these arbitrary attitudes?
* Has your Ministry initiated any proceedings or investigations against individuals and administrations those criminal complaints filed about?
* Is there a joint study with the Ministry of Health to prevent permanent damage to the body of people who have been on hunger strike for a long time?
* What kind of work do you carry out in order to eliminate the injustice made to the prisoners who have been initiated a disciplinary investigation for participating in the hunger strike and who have not been released even though their sentence is served ? How many prisoners are there in this situation? ”