NEWS DESK - SETA, that have been much discussed with their blacklist of journalists working internationally analized that the target of the 'Claw Operation' is North and South Syria and the aim of Turkish Armed Forces (TSK) must be settling in Federated Kurdistan District.
Foundation for Political, Economic and Social Research (SETA), whose report called Turkey extensions of International Media Foundations was much discussed, published an analysis about the 'Claw Operation' written by Murat Aslan. In the analysis prepared by retired military-academician Murat Aslan, one of the writers of Aydınlık Newspaper, the necessity and purpose of the operation was explained and the conclusion part emphasized the necessity of the TSK to be permanent in economic, social and military points.
While Poeple's Defense Units (YPG) and Democratic Syrian Forces (QSD) are presented to be sub-branches of PKK in the analysis, the report emphasized that the gains of the people after the defeat of ISIS should be broken in the international public opinion.
The analysis consisting of 28 pages, including graphics and photograhpsindicated that the operation was successful with the “national and domestic defense industry.The weapons produced by President and AKP leader Recep Tayyip Erdoğan's son-in-law were listed as the key to success.