İSTANBUL - Assoc. Dr. Fikret Başkaya who stated that the 'consensus' between USA and Turkey is win-orianted and a cooling operation, said: "Turkey will sooner or later accept that this problem will not be solved unless the Kurds are adressed."
The talks between the officials of Turkey and USA made between 5-7 August regarding the safe zone in the North and East Syria, ended with the statement of the Ministry of Defense, stating 'we agreed'. The statement was also confirmed by USA Ankara Embassy. Assoc. Dr. Fikret Başkaya evaluated the agreement and the statement.
Başkaya, stating that it would be a better idea for Turkey to take Kurdish into account and address the problem, said: "They whould be adress indirectly, if not directly. This problem will not be solved by ignoring the Kurds or without addressing them. Turkey will accept the Kurds sooner or later. Naming them terrorists will not solve the problem. These people have been living there for a long time now. You can not ignore them and pretend they are artificial. The Kurds must be addressed and understood in order to solve this problem.
Başkaya stating that the Kurds who are acknowladged by the world, must also be acknowlaged by Turkey, said: "Everyone in the world knows the structure established by the world. Ignoring that will not make it go away, or change anything."