NEWS DESK - HDP representatives will hold meetings and attend conferences in Argentina, Uruguay, Brazil, and Chile to inform the people of the situation in Turkey and the work they do in defense of human rights and ethnic minorities in the country
Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) deputies Ebru Günay and Garo Paylan will visit Latin America from August 11 to 24 in order to meet with leaders of political parties, unions and democratic mass organisations of the continent.
The two HDP MPs will attend a conference titled “Human Rights and minorities, and women’s participation in politics” to be held in the Argentine Senate on August 15. The conference will be held in the Hall of Lost Steps (Avenida Rivadavia 1864, CABA), at 6:00 pm on August 15.
Günay and Paylan will also visit Plaza de Mayo mothers and convey the greetings of the Saturday Mothers. The HDP MPs will further meet with the local organisations that support the struggle for democracy in Turkey. In addition, they will have meetings with the women’s organisations that stand in solidarity with the struggle of Kurdish women and resisting women in Turkey.
During the visit which aims to exchange experiences and develop a unity of struggle with the democratic forces in the region, the HDP delegation will be hosted by the Armenian institutions in the countries they will be visiting. In this scope, the HDP deputies will be visiting Armenian communities and organisations, Armenian representatives and religious leaders.