ANKARA - HDP Central Executive Committe held an emergency meeting after the decision of appointing trustees to Diyarbakır, Van and Mardin Metropolitan Municipalities. The committe pledging not to be silenced, said this is a new and clear coup.
Peoples Democratic Party (HDP) Central Executive Board (MYK) have held an emergency meeting after the decision of appointing trustees to Diyarbakır, Van and Mardin Metropolitan Municipalities. HDP Co-chair Sezai Temelli chairs the meeting held in the party headquarters.
The statement of the Central Executive Committee is as follows:
"Our Municipal Co-Mayors, who were elected by 63 percent in Diyarbakır, 56 percent in Mardin, and 53 percent in Van, were dismissed by the Ministry of the Interior on a false and unlawful order. A heavy police operation against members of the Municipal Assembly and municipalities is still underway.
This is a new and evident political coup. This is also an open and hostile attitude towards the political will of the Kurdish people. The Ministry of Interior is the trigger of the seizure of rights and freedoms, of the provocations, decisions and practices that do not leave even the slightest chance to democracy.
During the period of trustees, the resources of all municipalities, especially the three metropolitan cities, were depleted and only debris were left behind. The Ministry of Interior and the government have been the focus of corruption and theft through trustees, as can be seen in the Court's reports.
This government and the Ministry of Interior could not stand the uncovering of corruption and irregularities in the past trustees period. At local level, the military and civil bureaucracy supported this corruption scheme and supported the era of trustees.
There is little democratic legitimacy in this government. Today we see once again the face of the AKP-MHP alliance: usurpation of the will of the people, state violence to prevent elections results they don't like.
Our people will never accept these practices. As before, it will protect its will, those who they have elected and their party.
We call upon all democratic forces, all citizens with conscience, all opposition parties inside and outside the Assembly, civil society organizations, trade unions and democratic associations to unite in solidarity against a power that seizes the will of the people, does not recognize the will of the polls and elections.
The use of all legitimate and democratic means of struggle against this power is an indisputable right arising from both constitutional and universal law.
We can only win democracy through the common and determined struggle of the forces of democracy.
We call on those who, in every corner of Turkey, have voted on 31 March and 23 June to get the AKP-MHP alliance lose. We call on those who worked to gain democracy.
This is not only the problem of the HDP and the Kurdish people. It is a problem of all the peoples of Turkey, is the common problem of all democratic forces.
Don't remain silent, silence is approval."