DİYARBAKIR / DERSİM - At least 81 people were detained during the raids to the houses in Diyarbakır and Dersim within the scope of the operation initiated with the dismissal of the co-mayor of Diyarbakır.
Following the appointment of the trustee of the Ministry of Interior, an operation was organized for members of the People's Democratic Party (HDP) executives and members of municipal councils. The ministry announced that 418 people were detained in 29 provinces. At least 81 people were detained during home raids in Diyarbakır and Dersim.
The names of the 77 people who were detained in Diyarbakır and the members of the HDP executives and municipal employees were as follows: Edip Binbir, Ali İhsan Karahan, Kadir İnanır, Doğan Önal, Murat Öndeş, Tahir Baran, Çiğdem Ekti, Naif Erdem, Hayri Etyemez, Sevim Biçici, Mahmut Korkmaz , Selda Baran, Mesut Bagcik, Mehmet Akdogan, Tyumen Atli, Fuat Yalcin, Burhan Karakoc, Davut Kesen, Siyar Dag, Avniye Tanrikulu, Suat Aslan, Sercan Dogan, Murat Soner, Mehmet Gunduz, Umit Mercan, Ali Sert, Nurşen Akbal, Mehmet Üzel, Mustafa Akengin, Davut Yakışır, Aydın Biçerman, Menduha Biçerman, Ramazan Holat, Gülistan Erek, Mahmut Yokuş, Kemal Baran, Şehmus Tissue, Sadun Tutmaz, Reşat Taşkıran, Mehmet Süslü, Nazım Öcal, Mustafa Kolakan, Ali Alkan, Saadettin Akay, Ali Atman, Tarik Zafer Yazgan, Ayhan Ates, Amine Kutlay, Habip Akinci, Behcet Ince, Veli Mutlu, Seyhmus Senigit, Murat Dogri, Zahit Ciftkuran, Keskin Bayindir, Zelal Bilgin, Muzaffer Ulas, Cumali Kaya, M Yaşar Tanrıkulu, Ercan Akto, Revşen Karademir, Mehmet Ayaz, Beşir Çiçek, Murat Eminoğlu, Hasan Yeni, Lokman Bozkurt, Free Country, Nesibe Uygun, Abdulgani Özalp, Ozan Oral, İbrahim Ayaz, Yusuf Ataş, Mahmut Ulus, Fevzi Demirkıran, Halide Türkoğlu, Feyzi Işık, 78s The President of Diyarbakır Initiative Association Gani Alkan.
In the morning, many houses were raided in Dersim. Dursun Demirtaş and Selami Erdem and Laşer Mesut, members of the Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) Party Assembly (PM) member Nurşat Yeşil and Democratic Alevi Associations (DAD) headquarters, who were also candidates for Dersim Municipality, were detained.
Ecologist Meral Yıldız's house in Dersim was also raided.