MUŞ - Prior to the dismissal of 7 members of Muş Provincial Assembly, it was revealed that the reason for the dismissals of 7 HDP members of the assembly was that the budget for the lanscaping for 'Malazgirt Victory' program which the President Erdoğan to join, was rejected by the council. Following the rejection, Muş Governership sent a note of threat that states the Council could be abolished.
The 7 HDP members of the provincial General Assembly in Muş, was dismissed from office with a decision of the Ministry of Interrior. With the dismissals of the council members from HDP, Kader Erol, Filiz Aydın, Ceyhan Aydemir, Musa Kaya and Permanent Assembly members Suat Kalın, Mehmet Şakir Tuğrul and Mehmet Demir, the majority of the council passed to AKP.
The Muş Provincial Assembly consisted of 14 HDP members, 8 AKP members and 1 MHP member. With the dismissal of 7 HDP members, the majority of the council passed to AKP with 7 HDP, 8 AKP and 1 MHP members.