İSTANBUL - HDK Co-spokesperson Sedat Şenoğlu stating that the ongoing trustee policies will not yield results as before and said: "Dirty games are being played over HDP. The conspiricy in Kulp is the most concrete indication of this. This conspiricy will not work."
On 19 August, the Ministry of Interior appointed a trustee to the Diyarbakır, Mardin and Van metropolitan municipalities of the People's Democratic Party (HDP). Following the explosion in Ağaçkorur, located in Kulp the Co-mayors got arrested and a trustee was appointed to the municipality. People's Democratic Congress (HDK) Co-spokesperson evaluated the ongoing trustee policy of the government.
Şenoğlu stating that making HDP look like it is responsible for the Kulp explosion is a dirty game, said the explosion was used as an excuse to legitimize the appointment of trustees and that for this reason the explosion must be investigated in detail. Şenoğlu said: "They want to legitimize these allegations because of the reactions coming to the appointment of trustees in Diyarbakır, Van and Mardin.The government can not tolerate the fact that the illegitimacy of the trustees to be visible. The conspiricy in Kulp is the most concrete indication of this. So is the trustee in Karayazı. Those conspiricies to break down HDP will not work. Because the Kurdish Liberation Movement and the left ist- socialists in Turkey have united.This association cannot be reversed. These political genocide conspiracies will not work.HDP will come out of these attacks even more powerful. People will resist against the trustees and the conspiricies. The resistance in Diyarbakır, Mardin and Van is the proof of this. The government will be crushed by their own war policies."