DİYARBAKIR - The Human Rights Association (IHD) Diyarbakır Branch has published the results of the investigation it carried out at Elazığ No 1 and No 2 Women's Penal Execution Institution.
The report investigated the violation applications made by prisoners and their relatives. The report was announced at a press conference at the branch building. IHD Branch President Abdullah Zeytun pointed out that the Elazig Prison Execution Institutions have hit the headlines for the past 3 years because of the ongoing violations.
IHD Diyarbakır branch board member, lawyer Gurbet Yavuz said: "Prisoners complained about medical treatment requests unanswered for a long time, harassment in hospital referrals, treatment while handcuffed, constant searches, arbitrary disciplinary punishments, confiscation of goods, culture, arts and sports activities not allowed, single channel radio imposition, limitation on books, newspaper and magazines not given, no right to chat and hugging during family visits, canteen prices being extremely high, being kept in cells alone ... "
The report also underlined that prisoners were put in isolation cell. No books in Kurdish available.
The IHD report underlined the following: "Our delegation concluded that human rights violations are systematic and widespread.
Our delegation concluded that prisoners were subjected to violations in the form of torture and harassment, threats, isolation, limited right to health, deprivation of social-cultural-sports rights, deprivation of communication rights, arbitrary disciplinary investigations."
The IHD delegation also confirmed that "the prison staff who perpetrated the violations were not subjected to any investigation. The policy of impunity means that prison staff are encouraged to continue violating the rights of prisoners."