Ex-ranger resigned from his job and the KDP on February 15: I swore I would not betray

SIRNAK - On February 15, when PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan was brought to Turkey with an international conspiracy, the former ranger, who both laid down arms and resigned from the KDP membership, said, "I swore I would not betray even a single Kurd that day."
The attacks launched on April 17, in cooperation with the KDP, against the Zap, Metîna and Avaşîn regions of Turkey's Federated Kurdistan continue. Despite the AKP-KDP cooperation, the village rangers are being brought forward in the attacks where no progress has been made. Kurds condemning Turkey's attacks describe KDP's cooperation as "treason". The 70-year-old ex-ranger who lived in Beytüşşebap district of Şırnak and worked as a ranger for 14 years and is also a member of the KDP, warned both the rangers and the Kurds who support the KDP about the attacks that continue today.
The 70-year-old former ranger who both laid down his arms and resigned from his membership in the KDP, on the day PKK leader Abdullah Öcalan was brought to Turkey as a result of an international conspiracy on February 15, 1999, said he had promised not to betray his own people after that day.
Expressing that being a ranger and being a member of the KDP was the biggest mistake of his life, the former  ranger said, “At that time, I was both a ranger and a member of the KDP. I was also the team commander. Maybe the biggest mistake I've ever made in my life. I thought there was no Kurdish party other than the KDP. We became a member and were working on its behalf. We were doing this work very sincerely. We thought they were Kurds, but we finally realized that they are not. In the process of these contradictions in my mind, some friends came and wanted to become a member of the KDP, and I warned them, 'This is not the right way. Don't turn your back on them, or they'll turn their back on you.' But nobody listened. They were recruiting people like this."
Underlining that the bringing of PKK Leader Öcalan to Turkey with an international conspiracy was a turning point in his life, the former ranger said, “I swore on that day that I would never betray a single Kurd ever again. That day, I quit my job as a ranger and had cancelled my membership in the KDP. When they brought Öcalan to Turkey, I was heartbroken. That day was a very tough day for me. It was the day I looked inside of myself. I have been a ranger for 14 years. It was Öcalan's arrest that made me resign. I will never forget that day.” 
Expressing that the Barzani family has harmed the Kurdish people, the former ranger said, "One day, international forces will target Barzani as well. Then there will be no one to help him, to fight for him. Barzani made a huge mistake. He betrayed his own people and made friends with the enemy. He must come back from this mistake before its too late, or he will lose a lot. All the Kurds have united except Barzani."