Tanrikulu: Audio recordings confirm the killer is not alone

ANKARA -  Emphasized that the hitman Mehmet Altun, who murdered the Dedeoğulları family, was encouraged, CHP MP Sezgin Tanrıkulu said, "The audio recordings confirm once again that the murderer did not act alone."
The sound records of the visiting room where the hitman Mehmet Altun who murdered the Dedeoğulları family on July 30, 2021, in the Meram district of Konya revealed the details of the massacre. In the audio recordings the hitman Altun tells how the police protected him and helped him give his statement. Zehra Altun, Altun's wife, also said that she will buy a house, explaining that the money has been deposited by people she does not know. Altun's uncles repeated again and again that he is in the safe hands of the government and Altun responded that the government is taking great care of him. 
Republican People's Party (CHP) Istanbul MP Sezgin Tanrıkulu, who has been following the case closely since the first day, made evaluations about the sound records. Tanrıkulu said: “There was a massacre in Konya. This is not an ordinary event. The murderer was chosen, trained, encouraged before the massacre. Account activities and the hotels he stayed in reveals these facts."
Stating that Altun, who murdered Dedeoğulları was encouraged just like the killer of Deniz Poyraz who was murdered inside of the İzmir Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) building was encouraged, Tanrıkulu said:  "It is understood from the audio recordings that this protection continued after he was caught and while he was in prison. The money sent to his wife is enough to buy a house. She admits that she does not know the people who sent that money. He says that he is being taken care of in prison and the voice records also show that his relatives condone these murders.
Tanrıkulu said: "We have been saying from the first day. It is not possible for such a massacre to take place without deep state relations. The content of these conversations once again confirms that the murderer did not act alone. The duty of the judicial authorities will be to illuminate the unresolved relations behind the massacre. But we all know that this will not happen. This is one of the first things we will do when this government changes. We will illuminate the deep relationships behind the killers of the Deniz Poyraz massacre.”